99. Louis/Milena

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I didn't deserve to be saved. I knew it, but Harry refused to believe it. I don't know why he let me go, because I've been nothing but a nuisance to him his whole life. Maybe I can learn from his kindness.

Once I make it down the hatch and Harry closes the door, it becomes nearly pitch black. The only thing I can see is a lit torch and a black cloak on the ground, not far from where I'm standing. That's odd, I'm the only one who knows about these secret passages. I won't complain though, because at least I have something to light the way out of here.

I put the cloak around me, grab the torch, and look around. The dark, stone walls are narrower than I remember. Then again, I haven't been down here since I was a child.

Sighing, I begin my journey out of the castle. I can hardly see my surroundings, so I hope I can find my way out of here. Feeling the side of the walls for guidance, I try to pay attention to where I'm going as I come across many twists and turns, but I can't stop my mind from wandering.

Mere moments ago, I was about to die. I thought I was ready to face my punishment, but when the time came, I would've done anything to spare my own life. At that point, though, it would've been too late for me to change the course of my short future.

Then, Harry suddenly stopped the execution. I was about to cross the line between life and death, but he stopped me from reaching the other side. I'll never be able to repay him for that, but I'll be forever grateful. My little brother, the future king of Leria, just saved my life.

I felt bad about punching him in the face, though. He told me to do it, but that doesn't make me feel any better about it. I do hope, however, that he was able to buy me some time to escape as well as pass along my message to Bella.

I sigh as I remember Bella. She couldn't even look at me when I was about to die, but I could still see the look on her face. I wish I had more time with her, since we had just started an actual, loving relationship together, but I suppose life isn't fair to those who don't deserve happiness. The mere fact that I'll never see her again hurts my heart.

In fact, I'll never see anyone again. Not Harry, not Bella, not Catherine, not...well, there really isn't anyone who's worth missing other than them. Everyone else has shut me out of their life.

Except, Harry did tell me that Milena asked him if he could stop the execution. That might have been the most surprising thing about today, honestly. I've been so cruel to her, and she hated me so much, so I don't understand why she didn't want me dead like everyone else I've wronged.

I don't regret killing Father. Not one bit. But, I do regret dragging everyone into this situation in which life took a turn for the worst. Harry has to be the next king, but he's not ready at all. He has to fit in all of the practice and preparations in one week that Liam did in seven years.

My mind suddenly shifts to my mother. My real mother, not Genevieve. I don't know anything about her, and the only time I saw her was the same day that Father had her executed. It got me thinking; what was she like? Was she kind, sweet, and loving? She must have been. I can't believe Father took me away from her. But, why did he leave Alexander with her? I suppose I'll never find out.

I'll never find out what my real name is, either. Genevieve said the child she gave birth to was named Louis, so that's the name Father gave to me when he brought me to her. I must have been named something else, though. I was a few weeks old when he took me, I must have had a name other than the one I do now. The only two people who know my real name are dead, though.

Sighing, I focus on making my way out of this damn passageway. After what feels like an hour, I finally see something. A tiny glimmer of light at the end of this incredibly long corridor. Without a second thought, I drop the lit torch and begin running towards the light.

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