97. Louis

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It's been four days since I let Bella into my heart. Honestly, it feels a bit...overwhelming, to have someone care for me. I'm not sure if I'll ever get used to it.

Without telling her, I've decided to turn myself in for murdering Father. Liam shouldn't have to pay the price for a crime I committed. Well, Bella and I both committed the crime, but I'm going to leave Bella out of this. She doesn't deserve to be punished like I do. I alone will come clean, and I alone will face the punishment. But first, I must visit Liam and apologize. He's probably never going to forgive me for framing him, but he deserves to know the truth.

When the clock strikes two in the morning, I stay laying on the bed, clinging to Bella. I can't sleep, knowing that I'm going to be imprisoned. No, I'll probably be executed. Mo- the Queen spared her son's life because she loves him, but I can't say the same for me.

With any luck, I'll go quickly. There's a sort of poison that's painless, I hope I get that. Knowing her, though, she'll most likely have me hanged or have my head chopped off. Maybe if I can acquire that poison myself, I can go peacefully instead of being humiliated and going through a great deal of pain in my last moments.

I look down at Bella, who is peacefully asleep in my arms. She's truly astonishing, this woman. She was so insufferable when we first met, but now she's much kinder to me. I have to change for her, I have to show her that I can be a good man before I die.

Now that I think about it, I'm beginning to have second thoughts about coming forward and admitting to my crime. I don't want to die. At least, if I don't do anything, Liam will still eventually be released. But, that won't clear my conscience.

It's decided, I will confess my act of murder so my brother can be released. Before I do that, I have to visit him. He deserves to know before anyone else does.

Slowly as not to wake her up, I scoot away from Bella and sit up. I slip my shoes on and quietly stand up, tiptoeing my way out of my room. Keeping my eyes on Bella, who's still sleeping soundly, I take a deep breath and exit our room, gently closing the door behind me.

Liam is probably asleep right now, but I need to tell him as soon as possible or else the guilt will eat me alive.

The moon tries to shine through the grey clouds but fails, making it incredibly difficult to make my way through the halls. I stop midway and grab a nearby torch, lighting it quickly and continuing my journey to the dungeons.

I let out a shaky breath once I find myself standing in front of the metal doors shielding me from the dungeon. With great force, I pull the door open and am immediately welcomed by the damp, freezing air.

I vaguely recall coming down here when I was a child, purely out of curiosity. It frightened me, and I ran out as soon as one of the prisoners shouted at me. I haven't been down here since then.

It's as cold and dreary as I remember it, and every prison cell I pass by is occupied by a loon saying vulgar things to me. I try to pay no attention to them, but it stings when one calls me a bastard while laughing his fucking head off.

I understand that I'm a bastard, a disgrace to the Royal family and to the entire kingdom. Now that everybody knows, I'm sure I'll be treated differently. There will be no place for me in this palace.

It doesn't matter, I'll be executed soon and I won't be anyone's burden anymore. My days are numbered, and that scares the shit out of me, but at least I'll go out with a clear conscience and peaceful mind.

Once I reach Liam's cell, I gasp at what I see. The image of Liam, with rags for clothes and eyes void of life will forever haunt me.

"Liam?" I lean down, trying to get his attention. I wave my torch slowly so he can see me. He's huddled in the corner of the cell, knees hugged to his chest. His entire body is shivering, and his head is leaning against the wall.

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