5. Milena

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June 5th, 1555

"Milena, can you please go to the market? We're out of apples," Rose calls me from the kitchen. I put my doll down on my bed and walk out of my room. Once I reach the kitchen, I notice Rose is cutting tomatoes.

I smile. "Of course, I'll head over there now," I hug her from the side, knowing she's too busy to hug me back.

"Thank you, dear. You know how Ben loves his apples," she chuckles and I grin. I make my way to the living room and grab my blue cloak, resting it on my shoulders and tying the strings together so it doesn't fall off. "Come back soon, Milena!" She calls as I walk out of the house. I hug the cloak around me and pull the hood over my head, since it's cold and rainy today. I pass by the fountain that Niall and I used to meet up at when we were younger. He turned thirteen a couple of months ago, so he started working at his father's jewelry shop. He's been too busy working to see me every day, but that's alright. We still play together a few times a week, and that's pretty good.

I grab a wicker basket near me by its handle and lightly swing it back and forth as I walk through the town square. I reach the market street, which has many tables going down both sides of the road.

"Lena!" Someone calls. Only one person uses that nickname for me, and I smile as I turn around and am greeted by Niall, who jokingly tugs my hood down.

"Niall, what are you doing here?" I ask with a stupid grin on my face. "I thought you were supposed to be working today."

Niall shrugs. "Papa gave me the day off, he says I work too hard for a boy my age." He joins me as we stroll down the road, looking at the various kinds of items being sold on these tables. This road is always busy and loud, I don't like coming here very often. "What are you doing today?"

"Um," I say. "Rose wanted me to get some apples for her, Ben keeps eating them."

"Really?" Niall chuckles. "I hated fruits when I was his age."

"I know, you always gave me the oranges your mother wanted you to eat," I giggle. I spot the table that sells the apples, and we walk up to it.

"Apples! Fresh apples!" The man behind the table shouts. He looks down at me. "Would you like some red apples? Best in the village!"

I politely smile. "Yes, please. Three red apples," I pull out six silver coins from my cloak pocket and hand it to him. I grab three of the best looking apples and put them in my basket.

"Enjoy," the man grins. I nod, and Niall and I walk further down the road. I look at all the interesting items, knowing I can't afford any of these things.

"Wait, Lena!" Niall says. I look at him, confused. He grabs my hand and walks right up to the table that's selling jewelry.

"You're going to buy jewelry? You make jewelry, for goodness' sake!" I laugh.

Niall shakes his head, "I can't make anything that looks this nice," he looks at the table with wonder. He looks up to the old woman behind the table. "How much for this?" He points to a tiny ring with a pink diamond in it.

"Five gold coins," the woman replies. Niall puts his hands in both of his pockets and turns to me, showing me his handful of gold coins. My jaw drops.

"Where did you get all that?!" I exclaim.

"I sold a lot of things yesterday, Papa let me keep my earnings," Niall grins. He gives the lady five of his coins, and picks up the ring.

"What are you gonna do with that?" I ask out of curiosity.

Niall grabs my left hand, since my right one was holding the basket. He slips the ring on my ring finger and smiles. "For you."

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