47. Liam

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     I have no idea how Leonardo knows about me and Prue, but I don't care. All I can think about is the words he whispered to me: "Something has happened to Prudence, she lost consciousness and is in the hospital wing."

     My heart is racing as I rush to the hospital wing, pushing the doors open and frantically looking around for Prue. Finally, I spot her laying on a cot, with her eyes closed. I run up to where she is, and turn to a nearby nurse.

     "What happened?" I breathe.

     The young nurse looks down at Prue with a sigh. "She got dizzy and passed out, that's all."

     "And the baby?" I worriedly ask. "Is the baby okay?"

     The nurse furrows her brows, probably confused by my behavior. "The baby is alright."

     I sigh in relief, and I can feel my heart calming down. I plop down into a chair, and rest my head in my hands. This pregnancy isn't going to be easy for Prue. Knowing her, he'll say that the pain she's going through is worth it, which it is, but I just can't bear to see her like this.

     She's the strongest woman I know, but the next four months are going to be like hell for her, and I can't even do anything to help her.

     I can't help but wonder if we're having a boy or a girl. If it's a girl, I'll have three beautiful daughters to love and care for. If it's a boy, I'll have a handsome son to teach how to respect women and be kind to everyone he meets. He'll even be considered as my heir, if he's legitimized. If he isn't, he won't be able to take my place as King. Once I am the King, I will legitimize this baby so he or she won't be forced to live the hellish life of a bastard child.

     Once again, I laugh at my ridiculous thoughts. I'm not even the King yet, but here I am, thinking about who will replace me after I pass.

     "Your Highness?" A young maid's voice brings me out of my thoughts. I look up to see that she is the one who helps take care of my babies. "The young Princess Penelope has woken, if you would like to see her."

     My mood immediately lifts, and I smile brightly. "Of course, I'd love to see her!" Then, I turn back to Prue. "Is she going to be alright?"

     One of the nurses nods in reassurance. "She will be fine, Your Highness."

     "Is Penelope in her room, or Tadia's?" I ask the maid.

     "She is in her room, Your Highness," she responds, and I nod, thankful that she isn't with Tadia. I haven't even looked at my wife in the past few days, and I don't want to. My will to spend time with her has gotten weaker and weaker with every passing day.

     I make my way out of the hospital wing and through the halls, when my mind suddenly goes to the poor men that Father sent out to the island this morning, while most of our family was asleep. Not only is he putting their lives in danger, but he wants to completely annihilate an entire race of beings living on that island.

     I say "beings", because they can't be humans. If what Wilfred said was right, then they must be some sort of unknown species that looks similar to humans, but can use magic. I always thought that magic is a myth, even though Toulon Woods is probably filled with all sorts of magical creatures. I just never really believed in things like that.

     My smile widens when I finally reach Penelope's room, opening the door and immediately being welcomed with shrill cries and a frantic maid with short, black hair. Abigail, her name is.

     I quickly walk up to them and ask, "Why is she crying?"

     "I don't know!" The maid exclaims. "She just ate and she doesn't need to be changed!"

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