82. Milena

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     Happiness can be quite overwhelming sometimes, especially when one isn't used to the feeling. It's strange, to think I could be as happy as I am. The walls are finally down, and I can finally love Harry with all my heart.

Every night for over ten years, I've been plagued with the nightmare of reliving the death of my parents. Last night, however, I slept peacefully in Harry's arms. No nightmare, no screaming, no waking up in terror with my heart in my throat. For the first time in over ten years, I truly felt safe.

I thought Niall was my safety, the only thing keeping me from losing myself. Only now have I realized that I wasn't myself at all when I was with him. He isn't my safety; Harry is.

"Good morning," Harry whispers when I wake from my slumber, and I smile at him.

"Good morning," I respond quietly, trying not to shiver. "It's cold."

"I know," He says, giving me some more of the blanket we shared. "I wish we had another blanket."

I can't help but move closer to him, the comforting heat radiating from his body is irresistible. "You're warm, though."

Without saying a word, Harry wraps his arms around me and brings me to his chest. It's moments like these that I wish could go on forever, so I don't have to face the cold, hard truth of reality.

"Milena?" He calls my name, and I hum. "I love you."

Those words mean so much, coming from him, and I'm glad I can finally return them. "I love you, too."

I can hear his heartbeat quicken, and I smile in amusement. Do I really have such an effect on him? If I do, then he has the same exact effect on me. "Can I just stay here and never leave?"

"I wish you could," he says, closing his eyes. "If I asked you to marry me, what would you say?"

My heart nearly stops at his words. Do I want to marry him? I know it can't ever happen, but it doesn't stop me from wanting it. People are always saying that love can be confusing. They can love someone without wanting to marry them, but they won't ever give a clear answer as to why. Well, I don't believe love is as complex as people make it out to seem.

"Well," I say, and I can practically see his nervousness. "...yes."

He gasps and his eyes shoot open. "What?"

I can't help but giggle at his cute reaction. "What did you expect me to say? I love you, so why wouldn't I say yes?"

He seems visibly relieved, and smiles his contagious smile. It takes all of my strength not to reach out and poke that dimple of his. "I just didn't mean to say that out loud, and I didn't want to scare you by making you feel like things would be moving too fast if I mentioned marriage."

"Harry," I laugh, shaking my head. "I wouldn't have given myself to you if I wasn't sure that you're the one I want to be with for the rest of my life."

He sighs a breath of relief. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that, love."

What I just said reminds me of last night's events. That was the first time I had truly given all of me to someone. It was awkward and funny at times, but it was absolutely perfect and I wouldn't have done it any other way. I wasn't as nervous as he was, but we both had no idea what we were doing. Looking into his eyes right now, I see the same love that I saw in those eyes last night and I realize just how much I need this boy in my life. Harry has my heart, my body, and my soul. I gave him everything, and I don't regret it for a second.

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