88. Belladonna

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A/N: a lot of shit is about to go down

I can't believe it actually worked. My plan worked, and the King is dead. Now, all that's left to do is wait.

I originally didn't want to go to the meeting today, but Louis is going to be there and I need to be by my husband's side. Now that the King is dead, everyone will be turning their attention to Liam, but Louis told me he has a plan for that. As long as he doesn't physically harm his brother, I will agree to his plan. I want to be Leria's next Queen, and I know I will be a good ruler. Of course, Louis would be the King, meaning he will be the technical ruler, but I'll be the one making all the decisions.

Louis left for the meeting before I woke up, not even bothering to wait for me so we could go together. He left without a word today, making me feel a bit guilty. I shouldn't have snapped at him like that yesterday, it was wrong. It's just that, as soon as I saw him with Milena, I thought the worst.

What did he mean when he said that he can't control his actions, like he's addicted to evil? I don't think that's true. I've seen the other side of him, the good side that feels guilty for everything the bad side has done. I just wish the good Louis was stronger than the bad Louis.

Milena hasn't showed up yet, she's usually here by now. I really don't mind that she isn't here, but it would be nice to have a chat with her. I truly do want to know more about her romance with Harry.

I decide on a black, floor-length dress, considering the circumstances. I am not mourning my father-in-law, but it is customary to wear black for at least a week after the passing.

Once I have finished getting ready, I sigh and make my way out of the room. I wonder what the meeting is going to be about. Obviously, they will discuss who murdered him and when Liam will take his place. I swear to God, if Louis does anything to harm his brother in any way, he'll be the next to be buried, right beside his father.

Hopefully, the worst he will do is convince Liam to step down somehow. I am curious to see how this is going to play out.

The investigation has been going on since last night, and I know they can't trace it back to me. I wonder if they found the "true" murderer yet. Many people had cause to harm the king, so there are multiple threads to follow. I hope they blame Aiden, honestly. He's a disgusting, sex-crazed pig who thinks he's entitled to the throne, being that his father is the late King Byron, the eldest Skye brother. It's not anyone's fault that he was only a toddler when his father suffered a heart attack and died. At least, that's what people say happened to him.

Walking down the dreary halls, I realize something. The king will not be missed, but some people will probably still go through the stages of grief. I mean, as much as he was hated, he was still a husband and a father. Even seeing Louis' face when he left the king's chambers showed a slight bit of regret, along with the realization that this actually happened.

I do not regret killing the king, but I still did not know that I had it in me to murder a person. I have gone from an oppressed daughter of a nobleman who never cared about me to a free wife of who could be the future king. Killing is a horrible deed, and in any other case, it is an act that would send someone to hell. But, since the victim is the one being sent to hell, then my conscience is cleared.

I pause for a moment when I stop in front of the court meeting room, before opening the door and stepping inside.

The room is crowded, to say the least. Lords and Barons are conversing, while the Dukes are sitting by the large, round table, presumably waiting for the meeting to begin. I spot Louis, who is sitting near the most extravagant-looking chair, which will most likely be where the Queen will be seated.

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