90. Harry

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     No. This can't be happening.

     I feel like my head is about to explode. Too much is happening all at once, and I can't handle it. I'm just hoping this is all a nightmare, and that I'm going to wake up with Milena by my side at any moment now.

     Milena, my sweet angel, is Louis' sister...well, half-sister. I just can't wrap my head around this revelation. It's mind-blowing to think that Louis has been lied to his whole life. My brother, who has been a menace to everyone, including me, isn't the prince that he was told he is. The real Louis died soon after he was born, and Father replaced him with the baby who could have grown up with Milena.

     What does this mean for them? Does Louis feel bad about everything he's done to her, now that he knows they're siblings? He'd never willingly harm one of his siblings, so I hope he feels guilty for what he's put Milena through.

     I can't even focus on that right now, though. What's more important is that my beloved brother, Liam, is now imprisoned for killing our father. There's no way he could have done it. I know my brother, he isn't capable of murder, but no one will listen to me. They were so quick to blame it on Liam, that I wouldn't be surprised if they don't even try to consider reopening the investigation.

     I tried to stop them from taking him away, and was angry with Mother for doing such a thing to her own son. But, the penalty was supposed to be death, and I'm thankful that she had the heart to at least spare him. Still, five years in the dungeon is too horrible a sentence.

     I hadn't even realized what all of this meant, until everyone turned their attention to me. A room full of stares, expecting the impossible from me. I don't want to do it. I don't want to be the King.

     "No," I shake my head in disbelief. "No."

     "Your Highness, this is the only way," an elderly man says. "We have no other options."

     I turn to Mother and desperately say, "I don't want to do this. Don't make me do this."

     She gives me a sad smile, and reaches for me. Gently, she rubs my cheek with her thumb. "We have no other choice, my love. It must be this way."

     It gets harder to breathe with every passing moment, as I look around the room. My mind is in a haze, unable to even process what's happening.

     "Your Highness?" Father's second-in-command, Baron Nathaniel, calls. My head snaps up. "We do not mean to frighten you, but we must begin preparations for your coronation."

     I shake my head fervently, holding back tears. "Can't someone else do it? I don't want to."

     "Harry," Mother says, and I turn back to her. "You must take the title, but you do not have to make the important decisions. The Royal Court will run the kingdoms, if you do not feel ready to take on the responsibility. Leria needs someone to take the title of the King, but if it is your wish, we will help you. You are not alone."

     "Please don't make me do this!" I suddenly plead. "I don't know how to run a kingdom, Father never taught me anything! I'm only seventeen, I'm not ready for this."

     There is a mumble going around the room, and I wait impatiently for someone to speak up.

     "Your Highness, the Queen is correct," a Lord stands from his seat. "We, as the Court, will run the kingdom under your control until you are ready to rule on your own. You will have the title, but not the responsibilities."

     The realization of it all finally sets in, and my heart drops. "I have no choice, do I?" I lifelessly ask. The silence answers my question. "When will it happen?"

The Destitute Queen || h.s. auNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ