26. Harry

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     Maybe I shouldn't talk to Father about cancelling my wedding. I'm not going to lie, just the thought of bringing it up is making my stomach churn. The only thing pushing me to speak to him is the thought of Lena. I may be getting way ahead of myself, though. I've only spoken to her twice, and I have no idea how she feels about me.

     Regardless, I need to take a chance. How am I to know if she feels the same way or not if I never make her aware of my own feelings?

     Here I am, nervously pacing back and forth in the hallway in front of Father's and Mother's room. This is incredibly nerve-racking. I have no idea what Father is going to say, I don't even know how I'm going to phrase the question.

     I think back to earlier today, when Liam wished me luck. He clearly doesn't think I should do this, but I can't bear to think about living a life of unhappiness. Even if Lena doesn't want to be with me, I am still going to try to call off my wedding. If I can't be with her, then I don't want to be with anyone at all.

     Taking a deep breath, I walk through the doorway into the empty room. He must be on the balcony.

     "Father?" I call out, stepping out onto the extravagantly-decorated balcony, where Father and Mother are speaking to each other. "Father, may I speak to you for a few moments, please? It's important."

     He nods, and I walk towards him.

     "Hello, Harry," Mother greets me with a tiny smile.

     I smile in return and say, "Hello, Mother."

     "Make it quick, Harry," Father sighs, clearly in a bad mood. Maybe I shouldn't ask him right now. "What do you need to speak to me about?"

     Mother walks back into the room, and I take a few steps towards Father. "Um...I, er, I j-just-"

     "Spit it out, boy," he interrupts me. "I haven't all the time in the world, you know."

     "S-Sorry," I nervously say. "May I sit by you, Father?" He nods and I take a seat next to him.

     He looks at me expectantly. "Well? Go on."

     I take a deep breath. "Father, I've been thinking about something, and I hope you can be understanding of my predicament."

     "What is your predicament?" He unenthusiastically asks.

     "Um..." my voice suddenly gets quiet as I mumble, "I don't want to get married."

     With one quick motion, his head swiftly turns to me and his eyes widen. "I don't believe I heard you correctly." He tries to remain calm.

     "I, uh, don't w-want to get m-married," I quietly repeat.

     To my surprise, he chuckles. "You must be sleep deprived, my boy. Go and get some rest, you'll be able to think more clearly in the morning."

     I shake my head. "I'm not sleep deprived, Father," that's a lie. I didn't get any sleep last night or during the day today. "I was just hoping you'd call off my wedding. I am only seventeen, after all."

     "No." He immediately states. "I can see you are going to be persistent about this, but the answer is no."

     "But, I don't understand," I continue, and he sighs. "Why is it so important that I be married as soon as possible?"

     "It's a matter of alliances," he admits. "Duke Arthur is the ruler of Truvell and he will do whatever I ask of him. Once Albert steps down from his throne, I will be giving Alba to Arthur. Al has gotten out of control lately."

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