100. Harry

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*the next morning*

"It's tomorrow," I mumble happily into my pillow. Milena smiles back at me and yawns.

"You woke me up early just to remind me we're getting married tomorrow?" She giggles.

Her laugh is everything to me. "I can't help it. I'm just so excited."

"Me too. I love you."

I return the words to her and close my eyes, bringing her closer to me. This time tomorrow, I'll be preparing for my wedding. I've discussed things with the court, and we came to an agreement that Liam will be released tonight, the wedding will commence at noon, and the coronation will be directly afterwards.

I'm not ready. That much is certain. In two days, the entire land will be mine. All five kingdoms will belong to me and Milena. I've had a nervous breakdown nearly every day since I found out that I need to be the next king.

"What are you thinking about?" Milena's sweet voice enters my thoughts, gently pulling me back to reality.

"Things," I simply respond. I don't want her to worry about me.

She lifts her head to look me in the eyes. "What kind of things?"

Those lovely, grey eyes will be the death of me. The way they look into my soul with such love and care makes my heart nearly burst.

Suddenly, I remember something I have for her, and I smile.

"I have a gift for you," I grin, sitting up. She looks at me, confused, as I get out of bed and walk towards a small bag.

"What is it?" Milena asks, still sitting on our bed. She's going to love this.

I remove the item of clothing and lift it up for her to see; a long, pink silk robe. Her eyes light up, and she scrambles out of bed to get a closer look.

"Oh, my God, it's beautiful!" She grins as I hand her the robe with a smile on my face. "Why, though?"

"Why what?" I ask, chuckling.

She shakes her head. "Why did you get this for me?"

I shrug. "Just wanted to give my wife something nice."

"Not your wife yet," she giggles, examining the robe.

"Tomorrow, you will be," I remind her, my heart beating fast. What she doesn't know is that she's already my wife to me. Ever since I met her, she's been my wife in my heart.

"This is so wonderful, but you really didn't need to do this," Milena gives me a small smile, feeling the fabric. "It's so soft, what is it made of?"

"Silk," I respond, and her eyes widen.

"Silk?!" She exclaims. "But, it's so rare and expensive! You really didn't have to do this."

I sigh, still smiling, and wrap my arms around her. "It's nothing, really. I wanted to get you something nice."

She hugs me back immediately and says, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, darling," I press a kiss on her head. How did I ever get so lucky? I'm standing here, with the love of my life, who's pregnant with my child, a day before our wedding.

How would my life have been if she was never brought here? I can't bear to think about what my life could have been like without her. I'm just going to get rid of those frightening thoughts and focus on what my life is like now.

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