Midnight Kingdom Lore

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So, I've decided to post this update that isn't a chapter but it's basically what the title says. I'm just gonna do a quick explanation of the lore of this make-believe land that I created. The series itself is called "Midnight Kingdom", but each book is going to have a different title. Yes, this means there are going to be quite a few books in the series! I'm gonna start off with the characters and then I'll describe the kingdoms. And yes, I felt extremely nerdy while brainstorming all of this. Do you like the map? Spent two frickin days figuring out how to make it because I suck at photoshop lol but yeah I created that, too.

List of characters and their actors:

Milena Azrael (changed their last names): Emily Rudd

Alexander "Alec" Azrael: David Henrie

Ben Azrael: Jared Gilmore

Niall Conley (sorry about the fake last name, it would just be too confusing for me to be changing so much about my original characters to post the fanfic version here, I did that with the other boys as well): Niall Horan

Harry Skye: Harry Styles

Louis Skye IV: Louis Tomlinson

Liam Skye: Liam Payne

Catherine Skye: Jodelle Ferland

King Louis Skye III: Jude Law

Queen Genevieve Skye: Kate Winslet

Leonardo (his last name will probs never be revealed and his character won't show up for a while): Thomas Brodie-Sangster

There are a lot more characters who will be super important later on in the story but I'm too lazy to think of their names right now lmao



Birilia: Kingdom of the North, surrounded by mountains. It's cold af.

Toulon Woods: Just a huge forest full of magical creatures and shit.

Edrokar: Where the story takes place.

Alba: The most lively kingdom, everyone wants to live there.

Truvell: Isolated, it's practically impossible to get there, it's surrounded by either the ocean or sand dunes.

Unknown: Not a kingdom, but an uninhabited island off the coast of Leria.


Empire of Leria:

So the whole land is an empire and the King rules the whole thing but he doesn't like being called an Emperor so people just call him the King. It used to be called Yusal but the King renamed it once he gained control of all the kingdoms. Well, apart from Toulon Woods. Anyways, it's a huge piece of land surrounded by the Miro Sea, with some small islands surrounding it. There's a large island thats "uninhabited" notice how I used quotes on that word. I get letters jumbled around in my mind so of course I'd accidentally misspell the word "unknown" but whatever, I'm not going back to try editing that map, it's just so confusing.

And I think that's about it! There's a lot more, but I don't want to explain it all just yet because it unfolds as the story progresses. I didn't change any part of the plot because I think it's pretty good. I'm gonna try to see if I can move this chapter to before the story actually begins. Now I'm gonna go do a shitload of editing for all of the chapters XD you don't have to reread it, it's basically just got some minor changes regarding mentions of the kingdoms and stuff like that.

Hope you like this new change :)

Love, Tori

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