Tiny No Longer White Underwear

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"What? Why is it time?" Zayn frowned, sitting up in bed.

"I just saw Louis and Liam-"

"Harry!" Louis called, rapidly knocking on his door.

"Nothing!" Harry called back, his brain not able to function properly at the moment.

"Harry look what you just saw um, it..." Louis struggled.

"We were rehearsing for a play." Liam lied terribly.

Harry heard Louis smack him.

"Hush." He hissed.

"Harry can we talk about this?" Louis asked.

"Do I need to leave?" Zayn whispered.

"No, it's time. Remember?" Harry asked quietly, feeling nervous.

"Are you sure?" Zayn frowned, not sure what was going on.

"Yeah. Trust me." Harry said, giving him a look before he opened the door.

"Hey, we-" Louis stopped, seeing Zayn.

"What's he doing here?" Louis asked, wondering if Harry told him what he saw.

"We slept together last night." Zayn said, not realizing how it sounded until it was too late.

Liam gasped. "Oh! I knew it! I told you! We're not the only ones now!" He practically yelled.

"No, he just slept here." Harry said, folding his arms.

"Oh. So...you're not-"

"We are." Harry interrupted.

"Hah!" Liam exclaimed, raising his hand for a high five from Louis, who was giving him such a stare.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I'm really anxious." Liam admitted, lowering his hand.

"Okay so...you two are in a relationship?"  Harry asked.

"No, we just...the weekend of the festival we both got really drunk and we...." Louis trailed off.

"Did stuff." Liam said stiffly.

Zayn's eyes widened a bit, and Harry frowned.

"Moving on, um, after that we kind of just kept doing stuff but in secret. We never really meant for it to happen it just kind of did and....now we both really like it." Louis spoke for the both of them.

Liam nodded, smiling a little.

"What about you two?" He asked.

"No, I'm not done." Harry said.

"How many times did you two bother us about being gay? A thousand?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that I was just having trouble dealing with what I was feeling." Louis admitted.

Harry stared at him, knowing it took a lot for him to say that, regardless of how casual it seemed.

"It's okay." Harry said quietly.

"I'm sorry too, Zayn." Liam said.

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