Scabbers's Alive?!: Year 3

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Finally came their Divination exam. One Amisty was certain she'd fail or walk out of halfway through. Hermione had left them at the marble staircase as they went up to the seventh floor, where most of their class was already sitting and studying as much as they could before the exam.

"She's seeing us all separately. Have any of you ever seen anything in a crystal ball?" Neville asked as they took a seat beside him, Unfogging the Future propped up against his lap.

"Nope," Ron replied, distracted.

He kept checking his watch periodically, foot tapping. Amisty had a feeling he was waiting until Buckbeak's appeal started.

The exam then started, the group outside slowly dwindling down.

"What did she ask? Was it okay?" Were the constantly repeated questions as their peers crawled back down the ladder.

They would never get any reply.

"She says the crystal ball's told her that if I tell you, I'll have a horrible accident!" Neville squeaked to them as he went down.

"That's convenient. You know, I'm starting to think Hermione was right about her," He glanced up at the closed trapdoor, "she's a right old fraud."

"Yeah. Wish she'd hurry up..." Harry nodded, glancing down at his own watch as Parvati crawled down.

"She says I've got all the makings of a true Seer. I saw loads of stuff... Well, good luck!" She beamed, bounding down the spiral staircase to go and join Lavender.

"Amisty River," Professor Trelawney whispered softly, her misty voice somehow making its way down to them.

Amisty glanced back at her friends before climbing up the rest of the ladder. She almost fainted at the sheer heat of the room, choking on the scent that flooded her nostrils and stumbling toward the circular table Professor Trelawney was sitting in.

"Good afternoon, my dear. If you would kindly look into the Orb... Take your time... tell me what you see in due time..." She whispered as Amisty practically fell into the seat.

So that's what she did, and to her amazement, she saw something inside it.

"It's... It's a person," She gasped softly, inching closer as the image slowly solidified.

"Is it? Now, what does this person look like?" She prompted gently, scribbling down on a piece of parchment.

"I think it's a woman... but she looks young," Amisty replied, touching a curl of her knotted hair. "Her hair looks just like mine."

"Maybe you're seeing your own future," Professor Trelawney offered, still writing away.

"But it couldn't be me... she has gold eyes," Amisty protested, leaning oven closer still.

There was a shadowy figure behind the girl, one of which that was slowly growing bigger and bigger, before taking the form of what looked like a wolf's head.

"And now there's this shadowy thing..."

That's when it hit her. That girl was her mother, but younger, happier.

"Go on," Professor Trelawney urged quietly.

"It's my mother... she's -- " Her voice cut out with a sharp gasp as the shadow engulfed the girl, her golden eyes going wide and then disappearing into the inky darkness that overpowered the silvery-white.

"She's...?" Professor Trelawney looked slightly concerned, her big eyes creased behind her glasses.

"She's gone... I can't see her anymore..." Amisty replied meekly.

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