Rising Tension: Year 3

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Hermione started avoiding the common room.

Amisty didn't blame her.

Ron and Harry were furious with her about the Firebolt. And she was herself after a rather tense conversation in the girls' dormitory.

"Hermione, what was that all about?" Amisty had asked, taking care to make sure her voice was level.

"Oh, don't tell me you're mad with me as well," Hermione groaned, rolling her eyes and throwing down the book she had been reading.

Amisty started at her, jaw dropped, before snapping back, "Well I'm sorry for being concerned about Harry. He get's the best broom in the world and then gets it taken away within four hours of getting it! Have you seen him? He's absolutely devastated."

"You know just as well as me that it could have been sent by Black," She argued, eyes narrowed.

"It looked in perfect condition, Hermione! There would have to be some kind of sign that showed it had been cursed," Amisty protested, sliding off her bed and planting her feet on the ground.

"Black isn't at our level of magic, he would know how to hide his work!" She spat out, getting to her feet as well.

"It looks brand new. Not even the most talented witch or wizard could perform deadly curses and not tarnish it or put one twig out of place," The green-eyed girl shot back.

Neither of them noticed the steady golden glow pulsing from the bracelet's charm.

"Fine. Don't listen to me! Go mope with Harry and Ron over the broomstick! I'm sure that's all you wanted to do anyway, right? Keep leading him on?" She shouted, stalking toward the door.

"What are you even talking about?" Amisty exclaimed, her eyes wide in shock at the accusation.

Hermione let out a high, shrill laugh. Though there was no amusement behind it, "If you don't see it, you never will."

"Alright then! Hide in the library, see if I care!" She growled, fists clenched at her sides.

"Fine!" Hermione yelled, opening the door.



It was the night before term started. Amisty was walking down the hallway toward the classroom she had told Draco to meet her in.

The classroom was empty, as she had expected, and she took a seat on one of the desks, her legs swinging freely and scarlet cloak pooled around her in gentle waves of fabric.

She was waiting there for a while, just about ready to leave when the door opened. Draco walked in, looking even primmer and tailored than he usually did.

Probably because of his time at home.

"I see you're wearing your bracelet," He commented, closing the door and taking a seat as well, back straight. "And a new cloak."

She suddenly felt very small and very disheveled compared to his perfect posture and clean-cut clothes.

"Yes, you happen to have eyes," She nodded sarcastically, ignoring his disregard to how most people would begin a conversation with a 'hello.'

"You do realize that cloak is the same from that wolf fairy tale, right?" He asked, eyebrows raised.

"Quite aware, thank you," She nodded, struggling not to roll her eyes.

"So you're Little Red now," His supposed question was definitely more of a statement.

Amisty internally groaned at the new nickname.

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