You Cheat!: Year 2

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Harry had gone into Hagrid's cottage to get the Invisibility Cloak.

Amisty, not very happy with it, was patting Ron on the back as he lost his dinner in the pumpkin patch.

She winced, turning her head so she didn't have to see. Harry left the house soon after, the Cloak clutched in his hand.

"Follow the spiders," Ron muttered, wiping his mouth. "I'll never forgive Hagrid. We're lucky to be alive."

"I bet he thought Aragog wouldn't hurt friends of his," Harry replied thoughtfully.

"That's exactly Hagrid's problem! He always thinks monsters aren't as bad as they're made out and look where it's got him! A cell in Azkaban! What was the point of sending us in there? What have we found out, I'd like to know?" Ron ranted, whacking the wooden wall of the house.

"That Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets. He was innocent," Harry threw the Cloak over the three of them and started toward the castle.

Ron just snorted in response.

The castle came closer and closer, a welcome sight after the incident with the spiders. They pushed through the entrance doors and up to Gryffindor Tower, and then the common room.

The once brilliant fire had diminished into nothing more than softly glowing red ashes. Harry took off the Cloak and Ron immediately headed up to the boys' dormitory after mumbling a quick 'goodnight' to Amisty.

She wasn't too bothered. He looked traumatized.

"Well... that was something," Harry remarked after a brief pause, a hint of a smile on his face.

"If I have nightmares for weeks about spiders grabbing me when I sleep I will march right over to Azkaban and break into Hagrid's cell all by my self," Amisty declared, rubbing her eyes as if to rid of the memory.

"I wouldn't be too surprised if you did," He nodded seriously, but soon enough he was laughing quietly.

Amisty laughed too, shaking her head.

"I'm going to go to bed, goodnight, Harry," She smiled, lifting her hand in farewell before turning on her heel and starting toward the stairs to the girls' dormitories.

"Goodnight, Am," He replied, words soon followed by the sounds of his own footsteps.

Amisty pushed open the door, creeping in quietly. She changed into her pajamas and drew the curtains around her bed closed.

Thankfully, to Hagrid's benefit, her sleep was dreamless.


Amisty was sitting patiently in the common room for the boys to come down, trying not to fall asleep in the plush armchair she had claimed.

"Amisty!" Harry called, looking wide awake as he raced down the stairs.

Ron was just as alert, only a few steps behind the messy haired boy.

"Good morning, what's woken you two up so well?" She smiled up at them, rubbing her eyes.

"Remember what Aragog said about the girl who was attacked? How her body was found in the bathroom?" Harry asked, practically leaping into the chair beside her.

Ron took the one across from them.

"Yeah..." She nodded slowly, waiting expectantly for him to explain what he was going on about.

"Moaning Myrtle haunts the girls' bathroom," Ron exclaimed, his blue eyes sparkling.

Amisty felt her jaw drop.

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