28. Nepal

375 11 3

Genji's POV

"Genji, wake up..." 

I heard a soft peaceful voice say to me. Is it Hana? I called out her name as I laid half asleep. Instead of receiving a kiss on the lips, a robotic chuckle broke out. I jumped out of my bed to see who it was that spoke to me. In the process, I banged my head on a pillar.  "Ouch?!--"

"Careful child. We have a big day ahead of us." The robotic voice said to me. 

"Fuuuccckkkk that hurt..." I mumbled out as I rubbed the back of my head. As the pain slowly began to fade away, I glanced up to see who I was with, and to see where I was. And then I remembered...

"Good Morning Genji!"

I remembered that I was no longer at the OverWatch HQ.

I gently smiled at Zenyatta, "Good Morning Master". Zenyatta opened the curtains to let the warm rays of sunlight in. Once he opened it, the sun blinded me, causing me to hide under my covers. 

"Beautiful, isn't it?" he said. I sighed and slowly uncovered myself, "It is, but only at certain points."

The omnic turned around and questioned me. He was curious, and wanted to know when the sun is at its finest. I quietly chuckled. Zenyatta tilted his head, "What's so funny?" I explained to him why I was.

"In my world, the sun is at its finest whenever I am with a certain someone..." I slightly blushed then continued, "The world is a dark place when I am not with her. I see no color and no reason to feel or to care for anything... she keeps me human." Once I finished I glanced over to the omnic and smiled. 

"That certain someone, is her name Hana?" He asked me. I panicked, "GAH?! HOW DID YOU KNOW?!"

He laughed and told me how he found out. He explained how I've been calling out Hana in my sleep for the past few months. I froze with embarrassment. 


I don't know why, but something made me feel as if he smiled. But it wasn't a mocking type of smile, it felt soothing.

I lowered my tone and calmed down. He bowed his head, and thanked me. WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED? I was so confused, but he left the room before I can ask what just happened. I got out of bed and threw on some clothes over my cyborg body. After that, I went to go do my morning routine. I ran 8 miles, lifted weights, then meditated with Zenyatta. 

The reason why I am in Nepal, is because I need to connect to my human self. But I feel like my normal self...just with an upgrade of body parts. 

On my first day here, Master asked me what had happened to me, and how I became a cyborg. I was forced to explain to him. I began the story with my family's clan, and from there, I let out all the thoughts and emotions I have been bottling up. I don't know why, but I am able to tell my Master anything. I feel at ease whenever I am with him. I trust him....

We finished meditating and he brought up Hana again. He shot me multiple questions about her, like her age,  her personality, or what she does for a living. I didn't mind answering a couple questions. 

"Her full name is Hana Song. She is 18 years old, and is known as the greatest video game player in the world. She is beautiful, but selfless... she is very caring for others, and is very unique...." Zenyatta and I noticed that I was dozing off, just by talking about her, "Oh! and she has this angelic voice when she sings...ahh... I love it when she sings."

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