4. Daily Routine

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Five days have past since OverWatch left to England. Hana was still at HQ watching over Genji. She did what Angela wrote down on the To-Do List. Hana did some physical therapy with him, she fed him, she even had to bathe him so his skin wouldn't rot.

"THE WATER IS COLD!!" He squealed out as Hana poured a bucket of water on him. "WELL YOU TOLD ME TO MAKE THIS QUICK, SO I AM!". The two argued all the time. One day, while the two were doing physical therapy, Genji fell over. He wasn't use to walking with his new body yet.


"Genji?!" Hana ran to his side and tried helping him up. "No! Get away! I can get up on my own!" He pushed her away with his hand. Hana snapped.

"WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?!" Her face turned red from anger "IM TRYING TO HELP YOU! AND HERE YOU ARE! BEING A FREAKIN DICK! I KNOW YOU'VE BEEN THROUGH ALOT BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN YOU CAN HATE THE WORLD JUST FOR WHAT YOUR FAMILY DID TO YOU! YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE IN PAIN FROM THE PAST!!!!" She screamed out with tears in her eyes and her fists clenched. Genji's eyes widened. He suddenly felt bad for the way he acted "h-Hana..." but before he can apologize, the girl ran to her room.

Genji held his hand out "w-wait! Come back Hana!". He was alone again. He dropped his head down and tried to get up, but it was no use. He crawled to the stairs leading to the second floor.
Hana's POV

I ran to my room crying. Can't believe I said that. I opened my dorm rooms door then slammed it to relieve my anger. Kinda helped. I looked at my mirror and saw that my cheeks were a light pink kind of color. I also saw my tears and wiped them with the back of my hand.

I said to myself out loud "I left him on the ground..." should I go help him?... No! He said so himself that he doesn't need help.

Few minutes later, as I lay in bed, I hear a big thump from downstairs. Of course since I am a nice person, I ran to see if Genji was okay. "Genji!?" I called out from the stairs. Next thing I knew, Genji was crawling up the stairs. I was able to see that he was struggling. He must have slipped and fell back a few steps. I went to his side and helped him up. I heard him whisper "I'm sorry..."

I was surprised from hearing him say those words. My face blushed, and I think he noticed it too because he began to blush as well.

"T-thank you..." I said softly.
The two started to get along. Slowly but surely they became friends. Soon enough, Genji was able to walk, thanks to Hana. She even started to train him.

Days also have past when the team hasn't returned any of their calls. The two got worried, but mainly Hana was.

"I'm sorry, the number you have dialed is either busy, unavailable, or does not exist"

Hana called everyone's cell, but no response. She even left voicemails and text messages. "Genji...I'm worried..."

"I know, I am too. But we must obey your fathers orders" he reminded her. She frowned "I don't care! What if he is in danger?! What if he is injured?! What if he is dea-..." she stopped herself by covering her mouth. Genji stood up and placed her head on his shoulder "Hana...don't think like that..." he softly whispered "he is fine...".

Hana nodded and calmed down. "Let's check if there are any news updates". She turned on the t.v, Bombing in Kings Row popped up.

"We all were running for our lives.. robots appeared from every corner. Then, out of nowhere a big huge orange sphere appeared. I-it wasn't just one either...more showed up. The OverWatch organization got everyone into safety. I think- two men stayed behind to fight the orange things. That's when we heard an explosion go off..." an eyewitness states.

Pictures began to appear from the destruction that was left behind. The news lady appeared "it is estimated that there are 26 dead, 350 injured, and 15 unknown of their where abouts... Samantha Grey..." she started naming the people who had died during the fight. When it came to the end she announced two members from Overwatch "Jack Morrison and Gabe Reyes..."

Hana fell onto her knees. Her eyes went wide and hollow.


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Thank you guys so much for the love!❤️

I wont let you down!!!! Stay tune for tomorrow's chapter~

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