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"Look, you don't have to do this!! We can be still all together! Back where we loved each other! Pleaseeee Princess!". I beg kneeling beside Junhui in front of her.

"Well, no! How should I kill all of you? On what way?". She said mockingly.

"Stop this!!!". King Youjin shouted.

"If you can stop me!!". Hae Chel shouted back.

"You're getting on my nerves now!". Lee Jihun said, trying to stop his self from getting out of patience, Jung Han on the other hand grabbing his arm.

"Well, you too my sweet Jihun". Hae Chel said, winking.

"To tell you the truth, we don't love you anymore!! Yeah right we have our new Princess now and she's far more better than you! She's lovely, kind, adorable and while you're-".

"STOOOOOPPP!!". Hae Chel shouted a tears falling in her eyes.

"I can love you with all of my heart Princess, I'm willing to stay here with you, but please let them go". Junhui once again begged.

"Don't you hear me? I don't love you guys anymore! I have Kyongbok's Princes with me and they can love and take care of me more than you did! And before I forgot I have those humans on the other world as my toys too!". He ***ly laugh again and my patience is slowly fading.

"Don't hurt them". King Youjin warned.

"And If I? You can't stop me!".

I heard footsteps and saw Some handsome guys walking towards us, maybe they were the Kyongbok's Princes, one of them pulled Hae Chel and they kissed torridly.

"Eliminate them". The one Kisses Hae Chel said with full of authority.

"You can't". King Youjin said as I saw some of their mens surrounds us, the Silla's and Goryeo's Princes readied them selves by pulling out their swords, I help Junhui stood up and we readied ourselves too.

"Yaaaaah!!!!". King Youjin said as I saw the clash of Princes and Kyongbok's men fighting in each other.

"Focus on fighting!". I heard Lee Jihun yelled.

A man approached me and I easily dodge his sword ducking unto it while slash the other, I turn around and kick on the jaw the other one and slash the neck of the other, a men behind me slashed my arms and I saw how the blood dripped down, I grip unto my arm as I saw Seokmin struck down the said guy.

I felt like were fighting for years now and my eyes is blurring, I heard the Palace gate banging and Silla's Assassins came inside, "Thank God" I muttered, the Archers on the Palace roof strikes us with their Crossbow and Some of the Assassins lied down dead, the war continued for hours and I saw some of the Princes are tired and wounded badly.

I ran towards Sung Cheol hyung and untying the rope around him when I feel the cold metal on my neck.

"Hi my s**pid fiancee, so you've moved on with me already? Well, congratulations!". She said and I felt a heavy metal hit me on the head and I passed out.



THIRTEEN PRINCES (SEVENTEEN fantasyfanfic) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now