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I woke up with the unfamiliar place again, It is a room in the Palace right? Aishh! What's really happening to me! I always woke up in unfamiliar place! Aish. Do I committed a very big sin to deserve all of this? I smashed away the things on the table and someone open the Wooden door, I pick the piece of broken glass.

"Who are you?", I ask the tall guy infront of me, He step forward and the light from the outside makes me see his face, He is? OMG! IT'S N OF VIXX! WHAT KIND OF WORLD IS THIS?? SHOULD I EXPECT THAT BTS, GOT7 AND ASTRO IS HERE TOO????.

"HAHAHA!", I laughed.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt somewhere?". A sweet voice of him ask me.

"No, I'm not, I'm just going to be crazy! At first I meet SEVENTEEN, then KNK and now VIXX? where's leo, ken, hyuk, ravi and Hongbin? Why are you alone? Don't tell me they are just around us here? Hahaha, I don't know if I'm lucky to meet all of you, is it a beautiful nightmare or a bad one?". I pathetically said and cries.

"Please wake me up in this nightmare, please N! Please woke me up! I don't wanna be here anymore, I want to be with my Mom, Dad and my Brother, with my School and Friends! I don't belong to this world, no one loves me here!". I shout and cries desperately as I shake him.

"I don't know what are you saying, I'm prince Hak Yeon, your in the Palace of Deoksu-gung, we saw you in our forest with the Assassins sorounding you, we save you and brought you here, where are you from? Do you want us to bring you back in your Kingdom, as I can see, your not an ordinary person right? Let us know and we will bring you back home safe".

"Hahaha, yah, I'm s**pid, you don't know who am I anyway, and you don't know what I am saying right? You don't know where I came from, but please, don't bring me back home, let me stay here for a while, and please don't tell anyone that you don't know about me, I don't want them to know that I am here". I pleaded him.

"Why? Did someone want to hurt you?". He worriedly said.

"No, I'm just, want to stay away from them, please let me stay here for weeks only, please?".

"Tell me why first?".

"They don't love me, they don't believe me anymore, all that I say is purely lie for them, they don't care about me, I think they will be happy if I died". I said and tight the grip of broken piece of glass in my hand, as blood dripping down and I felt the pain.

"Don't say that Princess". Hak Yeon said and remove the broken piece of glass in my hands as he pull me in a hug.

"We will protect you don't worry!". A cheerful voice from the outside said, it was Sang Hyuk, one of my boyfriends in VIXX (fangirling dream mode)

"Thank you". I said and smile at him.

"Welcome to the Family!". Won Shik, Jae Hwan and Hong Bin said in Chorus as they hug me.

"Taek Woon, cure her wound first, the wound in your arms open also, we will leave you for now and prepare some food for you". Won Shik said.

"Thank you for accepting me". I said and bowed my head, they just smile and left.

Taek Woon sit beside me and clean my wound, I stare at him and mesmerized as his handsome face, he is a very quiet and poker face guy, like Leo of VIXX.

"Ahm, Taek Woon oppa?". I call for his attention.

"Yes?". He look at me, his face never change.

"Thank you". I feel like, I want to be close to him, like what I feel towards Leo of VIXX, I want him to be a cheerful and active guy like Jhope oppa of BTS, if I could? I smile at the thought.

"What are you smiling at?". He asked.

"Because you were so cute!". I said and pinched his cheeks, he blushed and his eyes grow bigger.

"Oh, I'm sorry Prince Taek Woon!". I said and bite my lips.

"It's okay, I'm done here, lets go to the dining hall". He lead me to the dining hall of the palace, and I sat down beside Sang Hyuk and Hongbin, infront of me is Won Shik and Jae Hae and on both middle side of the table are Hak Yeon and Taek Woon.

"We will be having a festival of Deoksu-gung Palace tomorrow, do you know how to dance, cook or play instruments?, in case you want to be involved with the preparation tomorrow?". Hak Yeon asked in between of eating.

"I know how to cook!". I said and raised my hands.

"Haha, such a cute little Princess!". Won Shik patted my head, I really want to pinch his cheeks and say that he is my favorite rapper, but I don't think he knows how to rap, because it is a Historical world anyway? And why am I surrounded with this tall people here anyway? I look like a completely dwarf with my 5'3 height *insert sarcasm here*.

"Okay! Lets go and sleep now, you can sleep in my room, I will be sharing room with Won Shik". Taek Woon oppa said.

"Arasseo~, Gangsahabnida one again Princes!". I said and smile as I bow my head to them.

Maybe, it is right to stay here for awhile, I don't think I can face Goryeo's prince for now, I don't want any rejections anymore, I am not Hae Chel in the first place to bare all their hates right? Can I be selfish for now and escape for what things happening in this world? I really want to go back in the real world, but I don't know how.



THIRTEEN PRINCES (SEVENTEEN fantasyfanfic) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now