Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Nick woke up with a massive headache, he groaned and reached over to the other side of the bed expecting to feel Samantha's warmth but his hand met the untouched side. That's when all the memories of last night came flooding through his mind. "Damn it..." He said rolling out of the bed and heading towards his bedroom door. He needed some water, he went down the stairs and saw Samantha sleeping on the couch with Alaska laying in her arms. The puppy awoke at the sound of him coming down the stairs and looked at Nick before yapping loudly at him and waking Samantha up.

"Alaska...shh..." Samantha said trying to soothe him, realizing that he was barking at something she sat up and looked behind her at Nick. "Hey..." He said and she looked at him, "Hi." She said obviously upset but her face turned worrisome as he noticed that his right eye had a bruise forming, he wanted to tell her everything but she would most likely be upset with what he had done.

Last night, he had gone to the shopping plaza that was a few blocks away from the house and he brought all the things that he needed for the house and while he was picking out what puppy chow to get he heard a conversation.

"Yeah you know Nick Marx?" A familiar male voice sounded from the next aisle and he listened closely as he looked at the treats and bowls. "Yeah..." A different voice answered, it sounded like a female.

"He fucking took Samantha from me...haha you should have seen her face when I fired her. Priceless." It was Jax and hearing what he said made Nick clench his fist. "That must've been hilarious." The female voice responded.

"Yeah you know he's gonna hurt her and then she's gonna come back to me." Jax said confidently, "And I'll pleasure her unlike he ever could. Have you seen her body...what I wouldn't do to tear her up." Jax continued and the girl laughed. "Bastard..." Nick murmured under his breath.

He would never hurt Samantha again and the thought of Jax even thinking he could have sex with Samantha made him angry. He was really wanting to punch in Jax's face right now. He dropped what he had and went into the next aisle and Jax's back was facing him. Nick grabbed his shoulders and rammed him into the shelves full of canned cat food.

"What the-" Jax began but Nick covered his mouth, the girl that was there looked at them shocked. "Stop talking shit about my girl or I'll fucking punch your face in." Jax got a scared look in his face and grabbed Nick's shirt tightly crumpling it.

All of a sudden Jax punched him straight in the eye. "Ah..." Nick pulled back before ramming Jax back into the shelves and punched him in the face twice before kicking him with all of his strength in his private parts and Jax fell over groaning. "Ahh..." Jax lay crumpled on the floor breathless from pain and he had tears flowing down his face as he gasped for air.

Nick leaned down and looked him in the eyes, "Get those thoughts out of your mind...she'll never love you." Nick said pulling down his shirt and going back to the dog food aisle as the girl ran to Jax and tried to help him. He rushed back into the aisle and grabbed a dog food bag called 'Purina Puppy Chow!' and a bag of bacon-flavored treats, a red leash, and a small puppy bowl to put food in before rushing to the cash register.

He paid and he knew he'd have a black eye in the morning. He felt the pain already but he didn't want to go home just yet, after a fight he always had too much adrenaline and guilty feelings. He drove to a small bar near his house and drank till he was buzzed and near being drunk. Then he paced in the parking lot thinking of how to tell Samantha what happened so she wouldn't freak out.

He couldn't think clearly so he got back in his car and drove home and that's when he flipped out and yelled at her.

"Nick, please tell me...what happened?" Samantha said getting off the couch and coming over to him. She touched his face gently and he flinched, "Hurts." He said before leaving her in her place and going to the fridge and grabbing a water bottle, he chugged the whole thing and then grabbed an ice pack and placed it over his eye.

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