Chapter 62 ♪ Kryptonite

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Eight months pregnant.

Audrina laid on her back, staring upwards at the smooth white ceiling in a brand new bedroom. Today they've spent hours moving in and decorating the baby's nursery, which seemed to be slowly coming along nicely. She tossed over to look at the side Chris would sleep to find it empty; sadly untouched. He was in the basement, decorating it to his preference, despite it being almost midnight. The bedroom was larger than the apartment's master, which made her feel lonely. Finally, she got up; tossed on a robe and slipped on slippers. The basement appeared better than it did after dinner; he had hung more decorations and rearranged furniture. Chris sat on the jet black couch with a notebook on his lap and a pen in his grasp.

"What are you doing?"

"You scared the hell out of me," he laughed and turned towards her. "I thought you were going to rest up for tomorrow?"

Tomorrow was her baby shower, planned and hosted by Norah.

"I am, but I want you to come to bed with me."

Chris grinned.

"I'll be there in a minute, I promise. Then we'll break the bed in."

Audrina rolled her eyes and shook her head.

Baby showers were for women, so Chris had no plans to attend but that didn't mean he didn't have plans to have fun one last time before their son is born. Josh planned something, along with the rest of the guys for him and he was on his way to meet up with them now after dropping Audrina off at Norah's. Whatever Josh had planned, he prayed it wouldn't get him in trouble.

"She wanted to be here so badly!" said Sandy.

Elizabeth was currently in labor and has been admitted to the hospital in Charlotte dilated at five centimeters. Audrina felt absolutely guilty for not being there for the biggest moment of Elizabeth's life, but she couldn't fly to be there.

"We're going to have a great time though," promised Chelsea, trying to cheer Audrina up.

"Have you named your son or not?" Ryan asked over loud customers.

They occupied a large table in Buffalo Wild Wings, obviously enjoying beverages and wings.

"Yeah, we did. But I don't know if she's ready to tell."

"Dude, come on. I guarantee she's telling everyone at the shower as we speak!" Vinny argued, munching on a wing.

"Just tell us, for fuck's sake."

"Zaiden is absolutely perfect!" Norah cried.

Audrina was admitting the Superhero theme decorations her mother and Chris' mother creatively created when the women began pressuring to know the baby's name. Which was only official a week ago.

"What about a middle name?" asked Ryan Ashley.

"Zaiden Echo? I like it; it's unique and creative." Ricky said, picking up another wing after ordering a second plate.

"We just liked how it sounded."

"What about any plans for more kids after Zaiden?" Josh asked with a smirk, hoping to get Chris to faint or go into cardiac arrest at the thought. Of course Josh didn't want him to die though.

"Nope, I am happy with one. Even better that it's a boy."

"But maybe Audrina would want to try for a girl." Devin pointed out.

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