Chapter 10 ♪ Fatal

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"I'm home, sweetheart," called Dalton from the front door. He was home earlier than expected and Audrina wasn't prepared. "where are you?"

"I'm in the bedroom."

Dalton smiled, expecting to see one thing; her lying on the bed waiting for him in luscious lingerie. He didn't expect to see her packing a suitcase, causing for him to lose his hard-on immediately.

"What's going on?"

"I was going to tell you tonight," she said and placed her hands on her hips. She looked at him very seriously, worrying him. "I'm going to Knoxville for a concert. I'm leaving tomorrow morning."

"Whoa, hold on a minute. You're going to another concert? We went to one in Charlotte not long ago."

"Yes, we did. But I really want to go to this one." she told him, zipping the suitcase and placing it by the dresser. Dalton was clearly dumbfounded.

"Who's going with you?"

"Just me, myself and I."

"When did you decide this? You haven't mentioned a damn thing about traveling for a concert!"

"Yesterday," she said bluntly. "why are you angry?"

"Because this is insane, Audrina. You're making irrational decisions.! You're traveling alone to one of those metal concerts, is that even safe?"

"Yes, it is. I will be fine, Dalton. It's no big deal."

"Fine," he sighed. "I guess you've made up your mind without me."

He took off his Camouflage baseball hat and stormed off to the bathroom to freshen up. Audrina knew he wouldn't like the idea but the plan was already set and her mind was already mind, but she hated that she had to lie to him but for right now that was best. A little white lie never hurt anyone, according to Forrest Gump's mother.

Audrina checked into her hotel room around noon which was perfect timing. The concert was tonight at eight thirty, giving her plenty of time to relax. When she left this morning, Dalton was awake but didn't speak much. She knew he was still upset, but she texted him anyways to let him know she made it safely. Then she messaged Chris to let him know the exact same thing. The hotel room was nice with a decent view, she was surprised that she got a good room at such short notice. Maybe luck was on her side.

Chris: Want to meet up for lunch?

Audrina: With the others?

She did not want to be alone with him... yet.

Chris: Yes, we're stopping at McDonald's in twenty minutes. Meet us there? 

She didn't know how lunch would go but she decided to go anyways, following the GPS to McDonald's, the only one nearby. When she walked in, Chris was nowhere in sight so she took a seat at a table and impatiently waited while her stomach growled. She pulled out her phone and began playing Candy Crush to pass time, maybe too quickly because after a while she had forgotten where she was and what she was doing.

"You're so basic."

Audrina paused her game, rolling her eyes before turning around to look up at him. He wore all black and his makeup as usual. 

"And you're still a jerk."

Chris smiled, sliding the tip of his tongue across his piercings while he overlooked her.

"Nice to see you too, Audrina," She glanced over his shoulder to see Ricky, Ryan, Vinny, Devin and Kylie standing in line. "have you ordered?"

"No, I respectfully waited for you." she stood up, grabbing her purse and catching a strong scent of his cologne that smelled amazing.

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