Chapter 19 ♪ Love Was Made To Break

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June 16 - Belgium. (Mature chapter)

Gaiapatra was on top of Chris, moaning and whimpering in pleasure. Chris' hands held her by the waist, keeping her steady. The sex was incredible, but sometimes they both clashed heads because they enjoyed being in control - especially Chris. Since the bunk limited their ability of performing positions, missionary and cowgirl were their personal favorites for life on the road. Chris was on the edge, everything felt great, but what happened next ruined everything - for him.

"Fuck, yes, Audrina!"

Everything came to a screeching halt and not because they were on a moving tour bus. Gaiapatra stopped and just stared at him momentarily but the expression on her face said more than enough.

"What did you call me?" she asked sternly. Chris couldn't lie and try to convince her he didn't say another woman's name because he did, loud and very clear. He just couldn't believe that he did. "who is Audrina?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Does not matter? You said another girl's name while I was fucking you," she angrily slapped his hands away and climbed off the bunk to put on some clothes. The lights were extremely dimmed and they were the only ones back there; the others were watching horror movies. "tell me who Audrina is right now. Are you cheating on me?!"

"No, I'm not cheating on you."

Which was slightly true, but he did kiss Audrina yet that was weeks ago. 

"Then why did you call me Audrina and why are you thinking about her?" she spat, desperate for answers. Chris was choking on his words, unable to get them out. This was not at all how he planned for this to go this week. "fine. I bet they know the truth and will tell me."

"Gaia, stop!"

Gaia marched from the bunks, flicking on lights and interrupting the horror movie on the flat screen.

"Hey!" Ryan cried, lifting up from the floor and squinting his eyes. He had fallen asleep, as did Kylie and Devin. 

"Who's Audrina?"

The shock and confusion on their faces told Gaia that they knew something, even Kylie and that hurt the most.

"Gaia, let's talk about this in private." pleaded Chris as he walked into the kitchen with only sweat pants on.

"No, I want to know who she is right now and you won't tell me otherwise!" she yelled then looked around the room at the people she thought was her friends. "do you everyone of you know who she is?"

Ricky coughed awkwardly, getting up from the floor; tossing the pillow he used to rest his head on; onto the couch beside Kylie. This was not his business, yes he knew about Audrina but he had no right to tell Gaia. This was all on Chris, not him.

"She's someone I care very deeply about." Chris finally said. 

Gaia turned towards him, crossing her arms.

"As in?"

Chris inhaled, pushing his hair back.

"I love her."

"Are you seeing her?!" she asked very quickly, blinking rapidly to hide tears.

"Not yet. I was going to tell you about her in the morning... I just needed some time."

"You needed some time?! How long have you known her, how did you meet her and when?!"

"Way before I even knew you," Chris answered. "but I saw her again at Carolina Rebellion."

She giggled angrily, rolling her eyes and she turned her head away.

"And you all knew but didn't have enough respect for me to tell me? I know you guys know, you have to! Even you Kylie, you're my best friend and you still didn't tell me about this?"

"Gaia, I wanted to tell you so badly. I hated that I couldn't.. but Chris-"

"I get it," Gaia interrupted. "Chris is so much more important than my dignity!"

"That's not why," Ricky butted in defensively. "yes we knew, and yeah maybe we should have told you. But it was Chris' job to tell you the truth, not any one of us."

Gaia couldn't listen to this anymore, she wanted to leave and needed to leave. 

"You're a pig, Christopher. You're a liar and a cheater," she approached him and looked into his eyes brokenheartedly. "I cannot believe I actually thought I loved you. After everything we've been through. That song, Eternally Yours, fucking lies!" she bit her bottom lip hard in thought, choosing her next words carefully. "I'm not anyone's second choice, Chris. I am so much better than that and deserve so much better. So, you can be with Audrina - whoever she is, she must have been worth losing me because we're through."

She marched passed him to pack her bags, intending on leaving tonight and catching a plane back to Virginia. Chris was left there standing speechlessly and staring at his family with a guilty expression. Yes, he felt bad because he did care for Gaia and this was not at all how he planned for her to find out about Audrina. He was going to tell her gently, and make her understand.

"Well," Vinny said. "life on the road is filled with such twists and turns - no pun intended."

"Shut up, Vinny." 


Hey guys! I hope that chapter was freaking awesome! I was so excited to write this chapter because I knew it was going to be such drama- filled, I wanted to add more (which will be in the next chapter), but I thought "nah, I'll write it in chapter twenty". By the way, I don't know where Gaia is from nor lives, but I know she loves The Vampire Diaries so I said she lives in Virginia. Smart huh? The song in this chapter is by Andy Black, suggested by MonsterGirl69

So thank you, MonsterGirl! I do love Andy Black.... Guys, do you think Gaia overreacted or didn't react enough? Let me know down below!

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