Chapter 12 ♪ Sick From The Melt

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 Fuck him, Audrina's mind screamed while she angrily repacked her suitcase, coming here was one of the many mistakes I've made that involve Christopher Cerulli.

Tears were rolling down her cheeks but she didn't understand why, she should be furious and throwing punches, not crying. She just wanted to get out of this town and go back to Dalton, where she was happy and where she belonged. She would drive back tonight, she wasn't going to stay another minute in this town knowing that Chris was here too. She zipped the suitcase, pulling it off the bed and rolled it by the door. She just needed to make sure she had everything before leaving. She checked the bathroom; nothing. Then began to glance around the hotel room, trying to stop herself from crying so her vision wasn't so blurry. It was at that moment that someone knocked on the door. She expected it to be an employee, maybe a maid ready to clean the room and just knocking to see if anyone was in. Audrina approached the door, putting herself back together before turning the knob. She almost slammed it shut when she saw Chris standing there, but his large hand stopped the door.

"Audrina, please, let's talk." he pleaded, his voice filled with desperation.

"No, I don't want to talk."

Chris pushed against the door, forcing it open so he come in. She gave up trying to get him to go away but she turned her back on him, refusing to talk.

"I'm really sorry, I genuinely am. I didn't want to hurt you, writing that song was a mistake, Audrina."

"Is that how you truly felt about me?" she spat, spinning around to face him. He closed the door gently so just no one could peep in on them. "I'm not a whore nor a gold digger, I didn't use you for money nor fame because FYI, I'm not fucking famous!"

"I know," he gently said. "I know, Audrina. I'm a fucking jackass, I'm a goddamn mess, and I was in the wrong for writing that song and putting it on an album for everyone to hear because you're nothing like how I described you in that song. If anything, I used you."

Chris stepped forward but she held up her hand, stopping him.

"All of the songs you have wrote about me; Puppets, Sinematic, Synthetic Love, Hatefuck, Sick From the Melt, Black Damask, Fatal... all of those goddamn songs! That song stung the most, Chris. I didn't expect you to sing about me like that, ever."

She was looking at them through teary eyes, staring at the sympathy plastered across his face. The face she wanted to punch so badly right now, but violence never solved anything.

"I will apologize a billion times until you believe that I am genuinely sorry for that song," he told her then began approaching her slowly, waiting for her reaction. Audrina was frozen in place, letting the tears stream down her cheeks. He towered over her in those platform shoes, probably taller than he wanted to. He lifted his hand, using his thumb to wipe away the tears. He's seen her cry many, many, times but this time hurt him more because he knew he had hurt her almost as bad as she did him. "I'm so sorry."

"How did you find me?" she murmured, finally looking up at him.

"I went to every hotel I could find in this area, this was my last hope. Luckily, you were here."

"I'm leaving," she told him. "I came. I saw your show. You saw me. We talked. Now, I'm ready to go and I need some time to rethink things."

Chris didn't know what she needed to rethink about, he didn't even want to know but he felt like he was on the verge of losing her once again. The thought made his heart ache. If she was planning on exiting his life, again, he wanted to make it a very hard decision. So, he did what he knew would conflict her feelings. He gently grabbed her chin and lifted her head, smashing his lips against hers. It was like a rush of air between them, maybe even fireworks, but it did awaken the feelings Audrina has been desperately trying to brutally murder every day for the last few years. Their lips worked together in motion and Chris thought they were going to go further; heaven knew he wanted to. But she ripped away from his arms, grabbing her purse and suitcase without speaking a word, and Chris watched her run off. He stood there for what felt like forever, tasting her on his lips. He didn't feel guilty for kissing her nor ashamed, the only thing he regretted was that he didn't try harder to convince her to stay with him for just the night.
She'll be back, he told himself.  


This was actually a sad chapter to write for many reasons because Audrina was very hurt and Chris felt extremely guilty, but of course, Chris being himself he had to kiss her and confuse her even more. Thank you all once again (yes I thank you all quite frequently) for the support, it's truly amazing. You guys are motivating me to keep updating. I also wanted to say RIP to the lives lost in Manchester last night during an Ariana Grande concert, my heart are with the families and friends that are grieving. My heart is with Manchester in general

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