Chapter 29 ♪ Lips of An Angel

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"No one important." 

Chris' face said otherwise and Audrina felt her heart pound apprehensively. Was it Gaiapatra? Was he having second thoughts about dating? She needed to know; she needed clarification. 

"Chris, please just tell me."

He looked at her, almost speechless. Her blue eyes looked glossy from tears threatening to fall. For a second, Chris didn't know what to say.

"Don't you trust me?" of course he'd go that path but the silence from her answered his question. She didn't, and he didn't know if he should be offended or understanding. She knows what he has done with other relationships, but only because he couldn't find another woman like her. "it was Ashley... Costello."

Audrina felt a little relieved, but obviously she wondered what Ashley wanted because she knew Chris slept with her, too. Once before. 

"Oh," she placed the dirty laundry she held onto into the open suitcase. "w-what did she say?"

"Gaia - Gaiapatra and Ashley are in some kind of fight on Instagram. I'm not sure and I couldn't give two fucks because I'm no longer involved with either one of them," he told her. "you can trust me, Audrina. The shit I've done is over, period. You are what I want - what I've always wanted, believe that, baby."

"I do believe that, Chris." she said, staring at him with her arms crossed. 

Chris approached her and bent down to place his lips on hers. Their kiss was long and deep, their tongues explored each other's mouths. She held onto his hips and she had a hold of his hair. Chris couldn't help but to hope they'll go further than this.

"Cockblocked!" shouted Vinny when he entered the bunk area.

Chris pulled away angrily in silence, but Audrina was laughing until her stomach was aching.

Motionless in White was on stage right now, performing their newest song "Soft", while Audrina hung out in the VIP area Snapchatting some parts of the song for Elizabeth to see. It was very hot in the venue, Audrina was sweating herself so she couldn't imagine how; Chris, Vinny, Ricky, Devin, Ryan and Kylie felt. "Soft" ended and the fans cheered very excitedly, she thought the performance was over and In This Moment would take the stage but Chris placed the mic back on its stand and smiled breathlessly, trying to catch his breath.

"Are you having fun tonight Myrtle Beach?" the fans screamed in response and he grinned. "I said are you having fun Myrtle Beach?!" Audrina mentally cursed him because now both of her ears rang. "tonight I wanted to do something different. Something I have not done during one of our shows," he announced into the mic and Audrina began to get confused. "when I wrote Eternally Yours, the reason behind it was a little difficult for me to explain to fans and it still is, but I'm going to try for you tonight..." Vinny banged on the drums for no apparent reason. "I met an amazing woman that I fucking love to death. Her and I have had a lot of shit happen, and we just recently reconnected... but she doesn't know this song was written about her. Until now. Tonight, I dedicate this song to her since she's in the crowd," the music began. "this is... Eternally Yours," the crowd cheered excitedly and Chris began singing; "melt your heart encased in wax, steal it with a kiss, our fate engraved, scar enslaved, as we mutually destruct. Repose, my love, I've sinned enough for the both of us. In the name of love!  I'm ready to bury all of my bones, I'm ready to lie but say I won't; so tell me your secrets and join me in pieces to rot in this garden made of stones, eternally yours! Eternally yours!  I feed like you taught me and selflessly swallow, we coalesce in darkness, so selfishly hollow. Examine the wreckage, writhing in tempo, invisible anguish casting a shadow and in the name of love!  I'm ready to bury all of my bones, I'm ready to lie but say I won't so tell me your secrets and join me in pieces to rot in this garden made of stones, eternally yours! Eternally yours!   As we rest in pieces, though I know not your name, I would suffer forever to absolve all your pain and in the name of love.  I'm ready to bury all of my bones I'm ready to lie but say I won't so tell me your secrets and join me in pieces to rot in this garden made of stones and sleep in this dirt we call our bed so tell me your secrets and join me in pieces to fall and rewrite the bitter end! Eternally yours, eternally yours, eternally yours, eternally yours!"

Audrina hurried backstage trying to find Chris before he was lost in the chaos. In This Moment was on stage performing their newest song "Roots". Backstage was very hectic with equipment managers, stage managers and security, but finding Chris wasn't so complicated since he was so tall.

"Chris," she called but he didn't hear her because of the music. "Christopher!"

That time he did. He twirled around, smiling when she jogged towards him and jumped into his arms. His arms tightened around her; lifting her off the ground.   

"Well hello to you, too."

He set her down but they still hung onto another.

"You're really sweaty and it's kind of gross."

"Oh, sweat bothers you huh?" Chris said. The look on his face told her he was up to no good. "group hug!"

"No, no, no - Chris!"

But it was too late; Vinny, Ryan, Ricky, Kylie, Devin and Chris was latched onto her.

"Is it still gross?

"I find this very comforting." Vinny said and Chris' eyebrows raised in a questioning matter."

"This is a little strange." said Devin and broke the hug, but Vinny continued to hug Chris' arm.

"Dude, you can let go now."

"Huh?" his eyelids opened and he glanced around. "oh... sorry."

Chris rolled his eyes then grasped some bottle water, but slipped his arm around Audrina's waist, and his lips were pressed against her ear. 

"Want go get away for a bit before we're back on the road?"

She was blushing. 

"We won't get in trouble?"

"Does it matter if we do? We've always enjoyed being a little wild, haven't we?" 

Audrina blushed harder, how could she turn Chris Motionless down?

"Where are we going?"

"Just follow me, babe." he winked mysteriously.


Hey guys, I hope this was a great chapter to read after a long week and before the weekend begins! The song is Lips of An Angel by Hinder, a great song, btw. Also, how are you liking the fanfic so far? Please comment down below. And where do you think Chris is taking Audrina? Do you think he made a mistake by dedicating Eternally Yours to Audrina in front of all the fans? Is Vinny's character a little too immature? Do you think Audrina is right for not fully trusting Chris? Please answer these questions down below so I know. Thanks!

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