Chapter 20 ♪ Reincarnate

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"Wake up, beautiful."

Audrina ignored Dalton; grabbing the blanket and pulling it over her head to block him out. He tugged on it demandingly, only earning a groan from her.


"Yes; don't you remember what today is?" he said, staring at the silhouette underneath the blanket. The silence answered his question and he sighed. "my aunt's birthday party."

Audrina instantly felt horrible for forgetting Diane's birthday when they've been planning this day since the first of June. The plan was to have a huge cookout at Diane and Jim's house with some close family members, they were meant to be there at one thirty and who knew what time it was now. Audrina pushed away the blanket; looking at him with a grimace.

"I forgot," she mumbled. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be, you were up late last night," he said with a smirk. He was shirtless, only wearing blue boxers. "let's get a shower and get ready. We'll stop by Mickey-D's for a sausage biscuit and coffee, it's not even noon yet."

Audrina smiled; nodding her head then getting out of bed. She was still nude from the night before but she didn't bother to cover up since they were going to hop into a hot shower anyways. Last night was wild; they left to eat at Olive Garden, then they went to Walmart and shopped around for an hour or two. Dalton had bought some red wine and when they returned home they began sipping on it, only to be ripping their clothes off and jumping into bed for hours on end. Until about four AM, when she fell asleep. She had no concern of pregnancy; she was on the pill and he always wore a condom. And this time she didn't think of Chris while they were having sex; but she was still planning on leaving Dalton soon... she just needed to find the right time. Today was not the day though.

Dalton parked in front of the farm house, cutting off the engine and glancing at the clock on the dash; 1:29 PM. It was perfect timing. Audrina grasped the ice coffee from McDonald's and her cell phone, climbing out of the truck into the hot summer sun. There were already some cars parked in the driveway and quite honestly Audrina was a little anxious, because deep down she knew this family wanted them to be together but she was counting on being with someone else at the end of this month. Dalton joined her side, taking her by the hand and began leading her inside. She hoped she looked okay; Dalton had told her before they left that she always looked good. He was wearing faded blue jeans, a white tee-shirt, and his favorite boots. Simple and comfortable. But as for she; A-line white and black skirt, skull covered crop top, and nude cut-out high heels. She had straightened her hair and applied some dark makeup, and tucked underneath her top was the A necklace Chris had given her. They entered the house; listening to voices flooding throughout the house and smelling the scent of food. Even on her birthday Diane was cooking a feast. 

"Happy birthday!" Dalton exclaimed once they entered the kitchen that was filled with joy.

He released Audrina's hand and approached Diane, pulling her into a very tight embrace. Audrina kept a smile on her face, looking at the people who she's never met before but apparently Dalton did because he was hugging them.

"This is my girlfriend Audrina," he announced proudly. "Audrina this is; Charlotte, Daniel, Joey and Helen. They're all extremely close friends, basically family."

They were in their late thirties/early forties but very friendly and welcoming; wanting to know a lot about Audrina. It was a little later that a couple showed up; Santana and Charles. Santana was Jim's niece. She had a three month old baby girl; Stacy. And Audrina couldn't help but to think about Elizabeth's unborn baby. They ate dinner around three thirty, ate cake at five o'clock then quickly opened some presents afterwards, and retreated to the backyard for a bonfire. Audrina was sitting beside Dalton, listening to him tell the story of how they met when her phone interrupted her concentration. It was Chris spamming her Instagram.

Chris sent at 1:50 PM: We need to talk can we Skype?

2:59 PM: Okay, at least give me your number so I can call you and tell you.

3:40 PM: Audrina, I'm serious. I am not telling you over text. 

4:15 PM: Goddamn it, Audrina! 

8:40 PM: Fine. I'll just tell you then. Maybe you'll read it and answer. Gaiapatra and I are done. So tell me right now before I come home, are you leaving Dalton or not?


She was snapped from her thoughts, glancing around in confusion; wondering if she missed something.


Dalton got up from the lounge chair, looking down at her. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a diamond ring, then got down on one knee in the grass. Her heart stopped right there. She felt like she died.

"Audrina, you are the most amazing woman I've ever met. Every day, I fall more and more in love with you. I can't imagine myself being without you because you are my life now, you are my soulmate. I know this is really sudden, I know we've never been talked about marriage, but I hope this shows you how much I do love you. Will you please make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

She could not breathe, it felt like she was being crushed. This could not be happening right now, especially in front of his family! They were staring at her with huge smiles, making the situation a lot worse.

Oh dear God, they're thinking I'm going to say yes!

"Dalton..." she said slowly, out of breath. Her heart was now pounding rapidly apprehensively.

"Just say yes, baby." he encouraged, smiling.

Oh god, he thinks I am going to say yes too! Just say it, say it now Audrina!

Audrina slowly shook her head, feeling her throat tighten.

"I'm so sorry... but I can't marry you."


Hey guys, I know that chapter may have seemed rushed or even short but I truly apologize. This weekend has not been the best at all! My uncle Joey, unfortunately passed away early Saturday morning and it's been extremely difficult because it was very unexpected. I've been with family and will be with family this week, so it may be a while until I update again. I do hope you understand. Thank you all for the support, I just saw that this fanfic has over 1.5K reads! How crazy is that? But how crazy was this chapter? A sudden proposal and Audrina was put on the spot so badly! Shout out to Nyxx_Cerulli and HarmonyMcnoise for suggesting Reincarnate! Please do keep suggesting songs for future chapter titles, I need all I can get.. Leave your comments down below guys.

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