Chapter 53 ♪ I've Got a Dirty Little Secret

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NSFW/Sexual Language

Chris stood there silently, chewing on the piercings in his lip while trying to think of what to say.

"How long have you been standing there for?"

"I walked in when you mentioned the ultrasound pictures," Kylie replied then put her hands on her hips. "is Audrina pregnant or not, Christopher?"

Well shit, thought Chris, the beans have already been spilt.

"Yes," he breathed. "she's pregnant."

Kylie squealed excitedly then tackled Chris with a hug, causing him to fight for his balance before smashing against the wall.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" she squealed. "congratulations! I am so excited, I can't wait to meet him or her! Wait, do you know the gender yet?"

"No, we don't know and please keep your voice down," said Chris. "we don't want everyone to know... yet."

Kylie pulled away, looking up at him with confusion on her features.

"Why not?" she interrogated. "don't tell me you're not keeping the baby?!"

"We're keeping the baby," Chris sighed. His brain was hurting now, Kylie was too much right now, especially this early. "but she's only seven and a half weeks pregnant. We don't want to tell anyone before she's twelve weeks."

"Oh, that makes sense... so, no one else knows?"

"Well, Elizabeth and Ricky. Now you, and you better keep it to yourself, Ky."

"I will, I swear!" she paused momentarily then Chris saw a smile creeping across her face. "I'm so excited. A Motionless in White baby, the first official baby! I honestly expected Ryan and Josh to be the first, not you and Audrina. But you're going to make such adorable babies!"

"Whoa," Chris held his hands up. "baby. Not babies. I never said we were going to have more than one."

Kylie rolled her eyes.

"Please, I bet five dollars you will have another. Planned or not."

Chris didn't know what to say, now his head was throbbing excruciatingly.

"I need coffee..." he mumbled, before walking away.

10.12 - New York, NY.

"Damn Chris, you're looking fine." complimented Vinny, when Chris walked out of the bathroom.

Chris rolled his eyes, not bothering to thank Vinny for the compliment. It was noon New York City time, and Chris has spent three hours getting ready to pick Audrina up from the airport. She was finally coming on tour with them for a week and she'll fly home on the twenty-first. Chris had showered, brushed his teeth, and threw on the nicest clothes he brought; a long sleeve black button-up shirt, black skinny jeans, and some shoes. He had the sleeves rolled-up to his elbows to show off his tattoos, and he left two buttons unbuttoned on the shirt. He smelled amazing; it was Audrina's favorite cologne.

"Are you hoping to get lucky tonight?" Ryan teased.

"That's disgusting!" cried Devin from the bunk area.

"Oh, like you and Kylie don't fuck!" screamed Ryan, and Kylie turned fifty shades of red. Gaia couldn't help but to laugh.

"Don't worry about it, Ryan."

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