Chapter 3 ♪ My Heart I Surrender

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May 4, 2017, 11:30 AM

"Tell me about Elizabeth, babe." Dalton encouraged while they were in the elevator to their hotel room.

Audrina looked at him, he looked great; a white simple tee and faded blue jeans, along with his favorite cowboy boots. She never thought she'd date a country boy, but here she was.

"Well," she breathed then giggled. "she's a wild one but has a good heart."

"I can't wait to meet her then. You speak highly of her. But tell me why I had to come to a metal concert to meet her?"

Audrina laughed and the elevator dinged, sliding open their doors to let them out on their floor. Elizabeth would be here soon and they would meet up for lunch somewhere.

"Because she adores this kind of music and she offered us tickets, free tickets, baby!"

"Are you anxious?" Audrina asked Dalton while they sat at a table for four in McDonald's.

Dalton looked at her, smiling embarrassingly and leaning back against the chair.

"Is it obvious?"


Dalton smirked, glancing down. He had one of the best smiles Audrina has ever seen.

"I don't want the best friend to dislike me, even I know that's not a good thing."

Audrina opened her mouth to respond but instead of her own voice coming out, Elizabeth's did.


She was dragging along, Audrina assumed, was. He was indeed good looking, even Audrina would agree. She stood up, hugging Elizabeth tightly while Dalton shook Oliver's hand and introduce himself.

"Elizabeth this is Dalton, Dalton this is Elizabeth."

Elizabeth was shocked to see that Audrina had went from Chris Motionless himself to someone like Dalton, it was incredibly shocking but she bit her tongue and kept her opinion to herself. But she was still jubilant to meet him, he would have to pass the test.

"I've heard a lot about you!" she exclaimed, which was a little bit of a lie. "this is Oliver. Oliver this is my best friend, my sister from another mother, Audrina!"

"Nice to meet you."

Oliver had a British accent, something Audrina was not expecting since Elizabeth didn't mention a thing about him being British. After their introductions, the men went to the counter to order their food, which left Elizabeth some time to interrogate Audrina.

"So, does Dalton know about Chris?"

"No, he doesn't and he doesn't need to, because for one; he and I are through and second; I'm going to avoid Motionless in White the best I can!"

Elizabeth didn't believe that one bit, the sparkle in Audrina's eyes made her doubt her words.

"How are you going to avoid them though?"

"It will be simple, Liz. Obviously, I'm not going to their table while you get their autographs and I don't think they'll just be walking around during the event. I should be kept hidden very well and if I see them, I'll just hide. I don't want to talk to Chris, Elizabeth. There was a lot that happened that night in Scranton and it's just best to leave it like it is. He's moved on and so have I."

"So, nothing left unsaid?" she interrogated and Audrina shook her head.

"Nope, everything was said that night."

"Here you go, ladies." Oliver said once they returned to the table with two trays of food.

"You're the best, babe!"

They all begun digging into their French fries and cheeseburgers, munching on the fast food in delight, until Dalton spoke up.

"What should I expect tomorrow?"

"Mosh pits, loud music, drunks, some assholes. But it's fun, I guarantee you!" Elizabeth exclaimed.

Slowly, Dalton began to doubt going but he needed to so he could keep Audrina safe. He looked at her, watching her stare at her cheeseburger while slowly chewing. Something was on her mind, something was bothering her and he didn't know what.

Okay, how awesome is Graveyard Shift?! What's your favorite song? and most importantly, have you seen the music video for Eternally Yours? Wow! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Isn't Oliver good looking?! He's the one in the picture above. Chris will be appearing in the next chapter, so keep reading! Song; My Heart I Surrender - I Prevail.

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