Chapter 50 ♪ Not My Type

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"I just got you back and you're leaving again." said Audrina through a fake smile.

Chris was packing suitcases (again) for The Graveyard Shift tour that kicked off tomorrow in Las Vegas. 

"I'll be back before you know it."

Audrina pouted her lip. Unfortunately, they were becoming distant. Chris usually slept on the couch now; even though he claims to just fall asleep, Audrina knew better. They didn't talk a lot nor they were physical, and something told her it was because of the pregnancy... the milestone Chris didn't want. 

"Maybe I can make it to a show!"

She wasn't joining him on tour because she had a doctor's appointment next week and mostly because of the pregnancy in general. Both of them agreed it was too overwhelming at the moment.

"Maybe," mumbled Chris. He zipped the fourth suitcase then glanced at her. She leaned against the door frame with arms folded. She wore grey sweatpants and a forest green sports bra, she looked beautiful but sad. Chris approached her; took her face into his hands and passionately kissed her before saying; "don't be sad."

"You'll be gone for a month, Chris! Of course I'm going to be sad."

"Well, yes," he replied. "but I'l be back," he gave her another kiss. "I have to catch my flight."

"Remember our agreement?"

Even though Ricky and Elizabeth knew Audrina was pregnant, they all agreed not to tell anyone else until she was twelve weeks.

"I do," said Chris. "so don't spill the beans while I am gone or I will be pissed."

"Same to you, Christopher!" Audrina exclaimed and he smirked.


Hey guys, I know it took me forever to get this chapter out and I know it's short. But honestly there's been so much going on, like daily for three weeks straight, and I've been so exhausted and stressed. But I promise I will update as much as I can! Did you like this chapter? Do you think Audrina and Chris will break up? Please comment down below what you think! 

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