Chapter 41 ♪ Unforgettable

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Chris hopped out of the shower and grasped the black towel off the hanger; wrapping it around his waist. He stepped in front of the large bathroom mirror, shaking the water out of his hair with his fingers. Chris grabbed the toothbrush and Colgate toothpaste; brushing his teeth in a quick motion. He has only been home for three hours, so far he's had a snack; checked the voicemails on the house phone, and showered. He was tired, desperate for sleep in the king size bed, but Audrina was on her way and he was too excited to sleep. He never expected her to move in, much less show up early but when he heard a knock on the door he couldn't ring himself to believe she was here alright. But peeping through the peephole to see her standing there made him smile big. Audrina's cheeks heated up when Chris opened the door, she didn't expect to catch him in a towel with wet hair.

"You're here early."

"I left early," she giggled. "maybe I should have called!"

Chris leaned against the door and smirked.

"Nothing you haven't seen, rode or sucked before," Audrina's jaw dropped. Did he seriously just say that?! "come in, baby."

Audrina stepped inside; clearly looking around. He had moved out of the old apartment into a condo.

"Why did you move?" she interrogated, glancing over her shoulder at him while gliding her fingertips across the red couch.

"Honestly," he said with a sigh. "I didn't want to live there anymore because it was the last place I saw you. I didn't want any reminder. Plus, my lease was up and I decided to just move on. Purchased this place, it's a lot bigger but fucking expensive. Better views too." Chris answered then pointed towards the balcony. 

There was a lot of natural light from the balcony and he was right about the view of the city. 

"It looks nice." 

It was an open floor plan so Audrina was able to see the updated kitchen that almost looked untouched anyways.

"Where's your things?"

"Down in the car, I wanted to see you and the place before I tried carrying my shit up those stairs."

Chris chuckled.

"Well, let me give you the tour of your new home!" he exclaimed. Audrina couldn't help but to smile. "so, this is the living room. Where you live, watch TV, what-the-fuck-ever," Chris walked into the kitchen and she turned to look at him. "this is the kitchen where I do not cook because I'm a fucking horrible cook! We got almost anything you want though and if you want to cook something then that's up to you. There's the dining room, well not really, but there's a table and chairs to sit and enjoy your meals," he said then he exited the kitchen and stood by the door to the balcony. "this is the balcony. There's a grill so I can grill, since I am damn good at that! There's a table and some chairs to sit at, and other shit that I don't really use. Now follow me down this hallway," Audrina followed him and he stopped at an open door on the left. "this is my studio. Guitars, computers, other shit I need," he turned towards the right and opened a door to a small closet. "extra blankets, pillows, you can hang coats. Mostly a storage closet," he opened another door and it was a guest bathroom. Decent size. "there's also a guest bedroom but it's plain as fuck and I haven't put shit in it. So, I'm not showing you that... but I will show you our bedroom."

The way "our" escaped his lips made Audrina melt.

"Can't wait." 

The master bedroom was huge with its own French door to the balcony that Chris had hung up black curtains for privacy. Then it had its own bathroom, which was huge as well with a separate jetted tub. 

"I'm impressed," Audrina said after exploring the bathroom. Chris was eyeing every inch of her body. "it's very nice."

"Thank you," he approached her and looked down at her. "how about I put on some clothes; bring your stuff up, then take you out?"

"I'd like that very much."


Guys, please don't hate me! I know I've took forever to post this but there's been so much happening at home, I haven't been home long and I've been without a laptop. I am okay, physically. So, please don't worry. I want to thank you all so much for being patient with this story, I've read every one of your comments and they kept me inspired... I do want to mention by going to and voting for Eternally Yours would really make me happy, even if I don't win! Please do comment down below, tell me why you're still waiting for chapters on this story, and tell me if I'm taking WAY too slow! Be brutal, be honest!! The song title is Unforgettable by French Montana, absolutely in LOVE with that song.. ALSO, I got new glasses so I can see and update more... P.S. my thoughts are with the families that have been affected by Hurricane Harvey, if you have been affected please comment down below! Thank you guys. 

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