Chapter 28: Sharing Bamboo and Lуяι¢ѕ

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"So let your heart sweet heart be a compass when your lost, and you should follow it wherever it may go..."


"Hey Tay, remember when I challenged you to that football game back at the college?" Louis yells from the kitchen. "Yeah, why?" I yell back and he appears in the doorway. I turn my attention to him from painting Daisy's nails.

"Well it looks like we are going to the Doncaster Rover's football team's field today," he says with a smile. "Lovely. I'm gonna beat you though," I say and he raises his eyebrows. "Uh-huh, okay, whatever you say. We're leaving in 15 minutes," he says, walking back into the kitchen.

I turn back to painting Daisy's nails. "You have to beat him for me okay?" She says and I give her a smile. "I'll do my best," I tell her. I paint the last nail and she gives me a hug, careful not to ruin the wet nails. "Thank you Taylor!" The 9 year old says, skipping off to join her sister in the other room.

I go up to mine and Louis' room and get some shorts and a tank top. "Here, you'll need these," I hear the British accent from behind me. I turn around just in time to see shoes being thrown at me. I quickly catch them and give Louis a glare. "You could've given me a heads-up warning," I say and he smiles. "What would be the fun in that?" He asks. I roll my eyes and examine the shoes.

They are black with small blue lines going across them. They are running shoes and I turn to smile at him. "You didn't have to buy me these," I tell him. "I like to treat my girlfriend with presents he says with a smirk. "Your an idiot," I say. He walks over to me and kisses my cheek. "I love you," he says. "I love you too," I reply. "10 minutes, honey," he says turning around to walk out of the room. "Make sure you're ready princess!" I yell at him and I hear him laugh as he walks down the hallway.

I quickly shut the door and lock it before changing into my clothes. I pull my hair into a ponytail and go back out of the room to the living room.

I meet Louis out there and he says goodbye to his mum, giving her a hug before promising to be back in time to help her cook dinner.

I give Johannah a hug and she gives me a small kiss on the head. Over the past three days that I've been here, I've grown close to his family. Johannah feels like a second mother to me honestly.

Louis takes my hand and he leads me outside to one of his family's cars. He opens the door for me and I get in after thanking him. He smiles and gets into the car himself on the other side.

"We are meeting with some of the team, which is how we got onto the field. They heard I was in town and made an offer for me to come kick around with them. I told them about our challenge to each other and they volunteered to referee and play in our little scrimmage against each other," Louis tells me as he drives down the road.

"Okay, your gonna need all the help you can get," I tell him. He laughs and we fall into a comfortable silence. My mind wanders to how much Louis actually means to me. It's been 2 months since we've gotten back together.

We've worked on our song a bit more, and we finished what I hope should be a chorus. We are both singers and considered doing a collaboration, so we are. I think about the lyrics of the chorus.

'And being here without you, is like I'm waking up to only half a blue sky, kinda there but not quite.

'I'm walking around with just one shoe, I'm half a heart with you not near.

'I'm half a human at best, with half an arrow in my chest.

'I love everything we do. I'm half a heart with you not near.'

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