I'm Supposed to Love You (Peterick)

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Waking up is hard. Waking up with the same shitty feeling... That's a whole 'nother story!

Joe and Andy are two of my best friends, They're the type of friends, though, that will try to hook me up with anyone and everyone.

Joe decided to start a band... we have auditions today at three, so I need to get ready since its twelve.

I sighed as I stood up. I trudged to the bathroom and stripped, getting into the shower.

The warm water hitting my skin felt so good, but it still didn't rid me of the shitty feeling. I leaned against the wall with my hand and stared at the floor.

I felt drops drip down my face and it wasn't long before I realized that I was crying. The old hurtful thoughts filled my head.
You're a fucking wuss! Look at you! A twenty one year man crying like a fucking baby in the shower!

I hugged myself and collapsed to the ground sobbing.
Its surprising that you even have friends who care about you! the thoughts screamed out in my head. I just sat there until a loud pounding on the bathroom door jerked me from my thoughts.

Fuck! I forgot the guys were picking up to go to the kids house! "Yeah?" I called back nonchalantly.

"Andy and I are here... don't forget about the auditions!" Joe called.

"I know!" I called.

"Okay, just reminding you!" I stood up quickly and washed.

When I stepped out, I pulled the towel over my waist and then I heard a knock on the front door. Andy knocked on the bedroom door this time. "We called the kid... He's meeting us here and is now here." He said.

"K, thanks!" I called, slipping on some boxers and a pair of sweatpants. I quickly brushed my hair and put on some eyeliner. Well, no use in trying to impress the person. I don't really know why we called him "The kid," according to Andy, he's the same age as Joe, older by a couple of months in fact. I've never met him before though.

Joe was at the door when I was walking down stairs. He turned his attention to me and he smiled, shaking his head. "This is Pete. Don't mind him, he usually walks around shirtless." he stepped aside, revealing a short dude with a sweatshirt and shorts on. His hat covered long dirty blond hair that covered thick rimmed glasses. Behind the glasses were grey green and blue eyes that could shoot arrows through a person's soul if it wanted too with one glance.

His eyes widened when he saw me. "Uh... hi..." he said shyly, looking at the ground.

"Pete, this is Patrick, He will be auditioning for the drummer."

"But you..."

Andy smacked my arm. "Drummer, dude... he's auditioning to be the drummer."

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