Finding Out...

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Patrick's eyes widened. "Pete... I don't know... you know that's a really touchy subject for her!"

"But that's the thing... we don't have to talk to Razzel." I scooted a little closer.

"Then who will we talk to, babe?"

"Miss Jackson!" I said.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked.

I nodded. "Baby... trust me. I want to find out as much as I can about her past. Maybe it'll lead to the reason why that man killed her parents."

He cupped my face. "Pete, I love you so much." he kissed me.


"This is an unusual case. We don't usually have people curious about their children's biological parents. It's usually the kids. That's why when you guys called, I thought you guys wanted to bring her back." Miss Jackson rummaged through some files.

I looked at Patrick. "Razzel has been nothing but a joy. We couldn't imagine bringing her back."

"Its not my authority to give out parental files, but since you two are so keen, I guess I can break a rule." she smiled at us. Then she looked down at a paper. Her eyes widened and she sighed. "I haven't looked at Razzel's file in a while." She rubbed her temple. "Razzel's mother and father met through the mother's job. She was an escort, in other words... a hooker."

"So her father might not actually be her father?" Patrick asked.

Miss Jackson shook her head. "No, he's definitely the father." She looked up from the file at us. "I'm sorry, about the guy. I didn't realize that he was still out there. If there's anything I can do..."

"Does it say why he killed them?" I asked quickly.

She looked back down at the file. "Here it is... Harrold Greggor accused of murdering Diana Jones and Freddy Donald in 2002. He admitted to everything and was set at bail for a quarter of a million. He was put in jail for life, but was let out early for good behavior. 'Of course I murdered them. I used that old quote lovers used when they killed their lover, if I can't have you, then no one can.' Greggor says after being sentenced. 'I was in love with Diana. I could tell from the first time I met her she was the one for me. But then I found out she was already with someone. I had to do something. So killing them was the only way. I just can't wait to meet Razzel again in the future.' Oh God..." Miss Jackson put a hand over her mouth.

Patrick buried his face in his hands. "Our poor baby." he whispered.

I was speechless.
(Last update for today and maybe for tomorrow... I'm helping out with something tomorrow. so... yeah!
-PSILY! <3)

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