Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Luke's P.O.V

I ran home, scared of Mr.Carter for a minute. I paused in front of my front steps, "Your parents are waiting for you" 

What did I do? That scared me even more. I placed my hand on the knob and breathed in. I opened the door and my mum and dad were in the kitchen.

"Why Luke? Your 17." My mum said immediatly. I looked at her confused.

"Can you at least tell me what I did first?" I said with a little attitude, dropping my shoes at the front door.

"Why did we get a call from Mr.Carter telling us that our son had sex already?" She raised her voice. My face scrunched up when she said sex. I was never a 'normal' boy. I was never into sex.

"Ew mom. You know I would never have sex with anyone! Not until I'm married." I said walking over to her and my dad.

"Well you and Chloe have been spending a lot of time together." My dad piped in. I shook my head.

"Yeah but we didn't go anywhere past kissing." I said. I looked up at my mum and her face said that she knew it wasn't just kissing. "Okay maybe we made out a few times but it didn't lead to anything!" I said fast.

"Luke I-"

"Mum, why don't you trust me? You know I'm a mummy's boy or whatever." She sighed.

"He's right, he never lied to us." My dad said. 

"So you didn't have sex?" My mom asked to clarify things. 

"No, and how would Mr.Carter even know?" I said, now calmed down.

"He told us Tyler told him." I snapped my head at the two of them.

"He's lying." I said, a bit questionable.

"Well he told us when Tyler took Chloe to the mall, they were talking and she told him not to tell anyone."

"No mom, he's lying. She told me she barley even talked. He's probably saying that to get back at her!" I said, defending Chloe.

"Why would he want to get back at her?"

"Okay so when Chloe was born her mom died and Tyler has been blaming her death on her ever since. When he was 18 he moved out and left her and her dad behind and never talked to her. He must still be mad." I said looking at my hands.

"He seems immatur-"

"He is." I said cutting my dad off.

We sat in silence for a little bit before my mum killed it.

"Well he was really mad and it isn't our say to do something." She sighed. I nodded and then my phone rang. I was hoping it was Chloe, but it was Ashton.


"Luke come over now!" Ashton rushed.

"How am I going to get there? It's 9:00 at night."

"Ugh I'll just pick you up. Be ready in 5 minutes!" He said excitedly, then hung up.

"Um, I'm gonna go to a friend's house real quick." I said to my parents.

"It's a school night." My mum tested.

"I know, but I'll be home by 11." I said. She nodded her head giving me an okay before she stopped me.

"Which friend and how are you getting there?"

"Ashton and he's picking me up." I said sliding my shoes on.

"No later than 11."

A/N lots of dialouge lol sorry

but Lukes parents seem chill bc they are lol

chloes in deep shit

what do u think Ash wants with Luke lol?????

tthis chapter kinda succks :( buut keep reading

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