Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Chloe's P.O.V

"Ew he's such a backstabber." Katie scoffed in disgust. I closed my blinds, since he could obviously see me in my room, if he was in his room. I looked around, to see if I could find anything that Luke left here for an excuse to come over and catch him in his little plan. I searched my room, trying to be as quiet as I can so they wouldn't hear me. Our windows are awfully close, so he could hear anything.

Finally, I spotted the t-shirt he left here after our little water fight. I picked it up, and ran out the door, without talking to Katie or my dad. I knocked on the door before walking in. 

"Oh, Chloe! Hello!" Mrs.Hemmings said. I walked by her, saying Hi of course, and quietly walked up the steps. I could hear laughing coming from Luke's room. I knocked on the door, and he awnsered. His eyes got wide, as he stepped outside into the hallway. I could see how nervous he was.

"Hi backstabber, I just came by to drop off your shirt, but I can see your clearly busy with the douche bag I call my ex boyfriend." I said, with a fake smile. I hel his shirt out for him to take.

"Look, I ca-"

"No. I honestly don't want to hear it. I thought you were my friend, but I feel like you just used me until you made friends." Tears threatened to spill, but I held them back.

"Chloe, I just. I just can't keep hanging out with you and Katie." He sighed. 

"You didn't just hang out with us! Don't you remember Ashton and Michael and Calum?" I practically yelled. He sighed, running his hand through his hair. "Please just don't look at me, don't talk to me because I don't want anything to do with you." 

I threw his shirt on the ground, and walked downstairs where Liz saw me. She's been the closest mother figure I had. My dad and I got along great with theirs.

"Chloe, what happened?" She cried, rushing over to me. I wiped the tears, and looked away while she grabbed my arms. "J-Just nothing." I said shakily.

"I'm going to ask you again, what happened?" 

"It's just Luke is hanging out with my ex boyfriend who treated me like shit, and apparently was dared to go out with me." I said, sitting at the counter. She got up without saying a word, and marched up the stairs, grabbing a stuffed animal along the way. I listened closely to what she was saying,

"Um, Luke sweety. Do you want me to wash Snuggle Pop for you?" I covered my mouth, trying to hold back my laughter.

"Mom, what are you doing? This isn't mine?" Luke said.

Liz gasped, before going on. "Don't you abandoned Snuggle Pop just because your friends are over!" I heard Luke groan, before saying 'Let;s go.'

I hid behind the fridge, and watched them slowly walk out of the house. Luke glanced at me, and saw the dry tears on my cheek. I always hid here when we would play hid and seek, so obviously he knew I was here. They all walked out of the house, and I walked out, dying of laughter as Liz came down the steps.

"Snuggle Pop?" I laughed. She shrugged and laughed along with me. "Oh Chloe, my sister is coming over with her kids, would you mind staying?" I nodded. This is how close we are, it's crazy. 

"Yeah, when are they coming?"

"about an hour, forty five minutes."

"I'm going to change, should I bring Katie?"

"Of course!"

I walked out of the hosue and inside mine, and walked up the stpes, where I found Katie, dying of laughter.

"You heard it?" "Yes!" She responded immediatly. I laughed myself, before walking over to my clothes.

"Oh, Liz's sister is coming over and invited me and you since Luke isn't coming." I said, going through my clothes. It was abit chilly outside, so I out on a white tank top with a pretty cardiagan over top, with jean shorts and the shoes Mr.Hemmings bought me for my birthday last week. The blue in my hair was fading out, so it's brown at the top, and blue at the bottom. Katie wore the same thing she already was wearing.

I did my make up very lightly, grabbed my phone, and walked outside with Katie. I entered ..Luk- Liz's house, and saw Liz working in the kitchen.

"Do you girls mind helping me?" She asked. I looked over her shoulder and saw what she was looking at. A recipe for sausage rolls, my favorite. "I'm a horrible cook, so could you make these?"

"Yes! I aleays make them!" I squealed, taking out the ingrdiants. 


"Riley! Come in come in! Liz greeted her sister. I looked over and saw a baby, a little kid that looked about two years old with a twin. I mentally squealed, since I love kids. "Chloe! Katie!" she called.

We walked out of the kitchen and smiled a bit awkwardly. "Chloe, this is my sister Riley, and Riley, this is my next door neighbor's daughter and her friend Katie." I shook her hand with a smile.

"They could watch the kids after lunch while we go out." Liz smiled.

"Great!" Riley responded.

A/N Luke is becoming a douche.. :(

shame on him

lol tell me what ya think ;)

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