Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Chloe's P.O.V

"You know, you never told me when you started playing gutair." I said, dancing to Lady Gaga with Luke next to me doing the same.

"Eh, like a little bit ago." He said like it wasn't a big deal. Everytime I think back to when he sang me that song, it made me smile, and made me think how well he played the gutair. He looked up a lot like he knew what he was doing 100%/

"How come I never seen it before?" I asked him twirling around, him doing the same.

"It's been in the attic." He said while we both finished the dance.

"Your really good at playing it." I smiled, while he gave me a smirk. We were about to kiss when the door swung open.

"Step away from each other!" My father yelled. We both backed away, scared and confused. My dad's face was angry, he was mad about something.

"Luke, go home. Your parents are waiting." He said to Luke. He very quickly grabbed his phone and shoes and ran out the door. Tyler came in after Luke ran out.

"Dad wh-"

"You two had sex?" He screamed, Tyler closed the fornt door as I gave my dad a disgusted look. Well hello to you too dad.

"Ew! No Where di-"

"Chloe! Your 17!" He screamed. I looked at Tyler who was looking into the kitchen witha smile.

"Dad I didn-"

"So now I can't go out anymore with the Hemmings on a little trip because we can't trust you two alone!" He cut me off once again. 

"Dad I-"

"I thought I could trust you bu-"

"DAD!" I yelled, cutting him off this time. I was beyond mad at this point. Yes I loved Luke but won't admit it, but I am not planning on having sex until I'm married. And I'm pretty sure Luke is too.

"Me and Luke didn't have sex where did you hear that from?" I screeched. My dad looked over to Tyler.

"It doesn't matter! Go to your room!" He yelled. I looked at him trying to find something to say but instead I ran upstairs.

"No, actually, you can sleep in my room and I'll sleep in yours. I don't want you having any connection with Luke at all." He continued, "We will be switching rooms tomorrow, and I don't care if you like it or not."

I ran into my dad's room, or my new room and cried.

Tyler told him didn't he. I reached into my pocket to grab my phone but it wasn't there. 

"Fuck." I muttered. I laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. 

What's gonna happen with me and Luke? Is he grounded? How bad is his punishment? How am I going to talk to him again?

I cried a little more before hugging the pillow. Before I fell asleep, I whispered the words.

"But I love him, Luke."



But Tyler told her dad they had sex.. why? hmm

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