Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Chloe's P.O.V

Luke dropped me off at work and drove off so he could go back to sleep. I walked inside, where Miss Kathy was at the counter. "Oh Chloe! How was last night?" She jumped around the counter and stood in front of me, waiting for me to say something.

"What are you talking about?" I laughed, putting my bag down, and walking over to the employee check in sheet.

"Your date with Luke." She said, leaning against the counter. I gave her a look, like how did you know about that? "Katie told me."

"Oh, well it was good. I have to go work now, bye." I said, grabbing the dog food and pooper scooper. I opened the door and saw anothe guy there, working on the other side I work on.

"Hi." I said. He had a uniform on, so I'm guessing he's a new employee. He turned around, and waved.

"Hi." He laughed.

"You new here?" I asked, unlocking the first dog's cage and taking him to the door on the other end, hooking him on a leash.

"Yeah, I'm Kathy's nephew so she gave me job when I said I needed to start saving." he shrugged. I nodded, and started working.


After I cleaned all of the dog's cages and filled their food bowls up, Miss Kathy asked me to take the new boy, Calum, and show him how to do things. The first job was to show him how to handle a customer.

A young couple came in looking for a cat. I greeted them politley, like I'm supposed to, and Calum followed.

I brought them back to all of the cats, and talked with them, like what kind of cat do they want, etc..

"I really want a fluffy cat." The girl laughed. I brought them to one of my favorite cats in this place, which was the fluffiest.

"Well we have this big girl over here." I said pointing to the cat. Calum stood behind me, and observed me.

"Oh my gosh she's adorable!" She gushed. "Is she good with kids?"

"Great." I smiled.

"We'll take her!" I had Calum bring them to the front, then come back to see what to do. I made him go get me a cage, and had him put the cat gently inside. He did so, putting the toy she had in her cage someone donated to us.

"Do you want to carry her?" I asked him. He shook his head, no.

"I'm scared I'll carry it the wrong way." He admitted. I carried the cage while showing him how to carry it. I put the cat on the counter as the boy filled out papers.

"Thank you guys!" The girl said, handing us a tip, which is rare. I waved to them as they walked out of the building.

"Do you think you can handle the next customer now?" I asked Calum while Miss Kathy organized the papers.

"Yeah, but can you watch me in case I mess up?" He asked.

"Yeah sure." I smiled.

Luke's P.O.V

Ashton had texted me, saying he wanted to meet up with me after I take my nap. So after my little nap, I took a shower and put on a shirt saying, "I don't trust me either" which was one of my favorite shirts. I finished getting changed, and styles my hair in a quiff as always and walked downstairs. I sat on my couch, and called Ashton.


"Hey it's Luke."

"Oh hey."

"So where am I going?"

"How about you just come over my place? I promise I'm safe." He laughed.

"Okay should I come over now?"

"Yeah, see you in a bit." He hung up the phone and grabbed my keys. I guess Ash just wanted to bond a bit since me and Chloe are getting close. One of those, protective brother things.

Ashton texted me his adress, and I got there in 5 minutes. I knocked on the door, and when he opened it, I walked in.

"So Luke, buddy." He began. He motioned me to sit next to him on his couch. His apartment was nice, for someone living alone. "How's you and Chloe?" He started.

"Good." I smiled.

"Are you planning on askng her out?"

"Um, yeah but later."

"Mmhmm I see." I laughed a bit as seeing Ashton trying to be sophisticated.


"I think you should ask her out sooner."


"It's obvious you like her a lot and she likes you." He shrugged.

"It is?" he nodded his head at me.

"When did you start liking her?"

"I- uh." He raised an eyebrow at me.


"Like a week after I met her." I looked around the room.

"Has your feelings grew for her ever since?"

"Like rapid fire."

"Would you do crazy things for her?"

"I feel like I aleady do. I try to see her in school a lot, every chance I get."

"Keep going."

"And when I look at her, it feels like it's just me and her, and I'm not just saying that. Every day, when I hang out with her, I feel like we're the only ones on the universe. My stomach does flips a lot when she makes eye cotact with me."


"Yeah really. It's a weird feeling."

"Luke, your in love"



Buuut Luke's in love agh!

I'm working on a Michael fan fic, so read it ?!

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