Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Luke's P.O.V

"Jessica?" I choked out. She turned towards me, and her face jaw immediately dropped.


"What the fuck!" I screamed. My eyes started tearing up, real fast. My girlfriend, for a full year, that I loved was shoving her tounge down Bobby's throat. AKA the school's jock as I'm the complete oppposite. I'm the soft boy who plays gutair on youtube. She was a bit more popular than me, but still that really quiet, shy girl with great grades. So to see that Bobby noticed her completly shocked me.

I came over to her house to say goodbye, since I was moving away from Sydney, Australia. We were going to do a long distance relationship, but i guess not.

"Beat it loser." Bobby spat at me. I threw the gift I bought her and ran out of the house.

"Luke!" She called back. I stopped at the bottom of the driveway and faced her, while she was runnign down towards me

"You slut I hate you, I trusted you. I can't believe I actually thought this long distance was going to work! You would be still sucking faces with that ass while I would be trying to make it work!" I spat as she lunged herself on me, crying and sobbing, 'I'm sorry'. I pushed her off and ran away, crying a river.

"I love you!" She sobbed, she was on her knees behind me, crying.

"Well, I used to. And I bet your just saying that." I spat at her, and completley turned away. No more Mr. Nice Guy.

Chloe's P.O.V

"Charloette!" I yelled out the window, running out the door. My best friend, next door neighbor was now leaving me to go to the states. Of course, she couldn't leave until someone bought the house.. so someone bought the house and should be moving in tomorrow.

"Chloe!" She cried. I jumped into her arms and cried.

"You can't go!" I cried. Charolette was a bit older than me, I was 16 and she was 18, so I considered her as an older sister.

"Shhh, your going to be okay." She said while crying. I shook my head in the crook of her neck.

"No, I can't." I sobbed.

"Yes you can, Katie will be there, she promised me. You and Katie will fight her together. You two are best friends. And you won't see anyone over the summer remember? School is out." She said, playing with my blue hair, crying softly while I sniffled.

"Charloette, come on honey." Her mom said. I cried even harder as my dad pried me off of her. Her mom had to push her into the car, and my dad held me back by my arms. I might be acting dramatic, but trust me, I'm not.

"Charloette!" I screamed, kneeling on the sidewalk as the car drove away. I broke down. No, I'm never going to see her ever again because she's going to live in the states and my dad is pretty close to debt! I laid on the sidewalk, knees close to my chest, crying like a baby as my dad rubbed circles into my back. He picked me up, craddling me and walked into the house.

My mom died of cancer about 14 years ago. She had it while she was pregnant with me, but luckily, it never got to me. I almost died because she couldn't give birth to me, but they some how got me out. Two years later, she couldn't handle it and left us. Then it just leaves me and my dad. Well, I have a brother who hate my guts because he blames me for my mom's death. He moved out five years ago into his friend's house who still lived with his mom. He talks to my dad.. but not me. And Charolette has helped me through it all .My dad had a girlfriend, Nicole. She basically lived with me and my dad, and I like her but don't adore her. She's not my real mother.

Katie is my other best friend, but not as much as Charolette was. She's luckliy my age, and she's really brave and strong, and not afraid to do anything. Since Charolette isn't in my classes, I hang out with Katie. Now, Alexander, ew. She ruined my life. I used to be like Katie, but Alexander brought me down. Took my three friends away, and picked on me for life.

I used to cut three years ago, but finally Charolette and Katie talked me out of it after two years. But who knows how long I'm going to last now? I only have one person as my hero, Katie and she can't handle me all by herself.

A/N ouuuh. Okay so I know Chloe's P.O.V has long paragraphs, but make sure you read it because it's her background story which will help through the story.

Poor Luke :(

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