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3rd person Hazel POV

October 20

Hazel and Nico were dropped off at Hogwarts by Hades, their father, and Persephone, their stepmother. Bianca's funeral had been the day before back in their hometown.

"I love you, daddy!" hazel hugged her father and got out of the car. Nico followed without saying a word.

"Nico." Hades grabbed Nico's wrist. "Don't get into any trouble. Okay, son?" 

"Yeah, dad." Nico got out of the car. Hazel and Nico walked up to the entrance to Hogwarts.

"Hazel!" Frank called. Hazel ran into his arms.

"Frank! I missed you so much." Hazel hugged Frank.

"How was, everything," Frank asked.

"Awful. I still can't believe she's gone." Hazel buried her face in Frank's chest.

"Hazel." Nico's quiet cold voice was barely audible. Hazel immediately let go of Frank.

Hazel walked with Nico, waving goodbye to a confused Frank. they walked down corridor after corridor of people staring at them, students and teachers. Nico walked with his head held high, not even noticing the attention. Nico had been hardly there since Bianca's death. Not physically, but mentally. He never seemed to notice anything. His eyes were cold and empty. Hazel didn't remember the last time she saw him eat.

"Nico." Jason reached out to him.

"Back off, Grace."

Nico kept walking.

"Neeks, where are we even going."

"You can go to your friends. I'm going to somewhere." 

"Nico!" Hazel called out. Nico had already disappeared down a staircase.

3rd person Nico POV

It should have been me. It should have been me. It should have been me. It should have been me. It should have been me. It should have been me. It should have been me. It should have been me. That single sentence on repeat in Nico di Angelo's mind. 

He walked down into the dungeons. He wasn't heading to his room, no, he hated his roommates, and besides. It wasn't his room anymore. The other Slytherins had kicked him out years ago.

Nico walked to the storage closet he slept in. No one ever used it anymore. He had created a room for himself in there during his second year.

Nico glance over at his laptop in the corner. He remembered the good old days of stalking Percy Jackson over social media and leaving anonymous comments on his fan page. Nico realized that for once, he was thinking about Percy and didn't feel longing or desire. He felt, nothing. Percy was just a boyish dream. He was more of an idol than a person to Nico. And Nico no longer worshipped that idol. Since Bianca's death, Nico had rethought almost his entire life thinking: Would I be happy with my life if my life ended today? And the answer was no. He wouldn't. He wished he hadn't spent so much time pining for a dream that wouldn't come true.

Nico heard a knock on the door.

What the hell?  Nico thought. 

"Nico? It's me Will." 

How the hell does he know I live here??? Nico stayed silent, hoping he would go away.

"Nico, I know you're in there. If you don't open the door, I will."

Nico opened the door. Will looked around.

"Wow. This place is a pig sty." 

"What do you want, Solace?" Nico grumbled.

"I want to know if you're okay." Will smiled tenderly.

"I'm fine. There, now leave." Nico tried to shut the door on Will

"You are not fine. Hazel says you've been distant ever since her death." Will walked inside.

"It wasn't a death. It was a murder. Did you know that the police aren't even going to look into it?! They don't have any leads so they're just giving up! They're giving up!" Nico felt tears well in his eyes. "I'm not going to give up. I'm going to hunt her murderer down and make him regret messing with the di Angelos!" Nico clenched his fist.

"Nico. I agree with you completely." 

Nico's jaw dropped. "What?"

"I agree the police aren't doing enough. I agree that we need to find her murderer and send him to prison."

A tear ran down Nico's cheek.

"You are going to solve her murder. You are going to avenge Bianca. But you aren't going to do it alone. You have Hazel, Jason, Frank, and countless others here to help you." Will put his hands on Nico's shoulders. "You aren't alone."

Nico looked into Will's blue eyes. A few more tears rolled down Nico's face. Before even thinking, Nico pushed himself up on the tips of his toes, Will was several inches taller than him, and closed his eyes.

Nico leaned forward and kissed him.

If I died now, I would die happy.

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