A Simple Melody ♬ Chapter Thirty-Six - Heartbeat

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Hey guys! :DDD

We're at the audition chapter now! :D (even though the last chapter was titled 'The Audition', heh) and we're also officially entering my exam week! Yep, Monday's the day, how wonderful is that right? My exams won't end until the 21st of June guys, so until then my updates might be delayed for a day, which means instead of having every third day I might have it the every fourth (note that I said MIGHT). Sorry D:

BUT! On to the brighter side, I'd like to dedicate this chapter to _YouOnlyLiveOnce_! Thanks for your support :D appreciate your votes and reads!

And thanks to ALLL of you here :D for reading!



Chapter Thirty-Six

-Destiny's P.O.V-

Well there's a million other girls

Who do it just like you

Looking as innocent as possible

To get to who...

          I gripped the microphone and made sure to express all my feelings towards Gigi as I related to the lyrics. The music kept blaring non-stop until we reached the bridge when it toned down only for a few seconds.

...I watched his wildest dreams come true

And not one of them involving you...

          My muscles tensed a bit when we reached the last chorus, when I released each and every ounce of my energy into the song, giving my breaths away with each word. I wasn't panting, but I knew that in my mind I was.

...And if you could then you know you would

'Cause gosh, it just feels so

It just feels so good

          The guys took away the outro perfectly and Train gave the final four strums before the entire room was still...only, it wasn't still for very long.

          "Bravo!" the first male judge stood up and applauded.

          "Stunning, stunning performance." The next female judge joined him, follow by the third, then the fourth, then the fifth who is also the final one.

          I shrieked quietly, making sure not to direct it towards the microphone and did a ridiculous happy dance inside my mind. I turned to the back where the boys stood, and I could tell from their faces that they were doing crazier dances in their heads.

          "It's very expressive." The third judge commented. "And the band, the band is amazing. I'm surprised that there wasn't any mistake, or at least, I didn't hear any."

          "Your voice." The fifth female judge pointed at me. "Your voice is flawless."

          I felt my heart skip a beat.

          "And the guitarists, the drummer-oh, everything, everything is ridiculously good here. Absolutely clean and spot-on." She continued before sitting back, heaving a sigh. "You guys just set the standards officially for the rest of the audition."

          "Maybe we should've put you guys last." The fourth male judge laughed in his British accent and the others chuckled. "Hmm, don't you guys have a band name?"

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