A Simple Melody ♬ Chapter Twenty-Eight - Because it's International

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Hey guys :D

So yesterday I had mentioned that I was sick, and well, I still am actually, and sadly :( but at least I'm well enough to write and post a chapter :D It makes me feel good that I'm not delaying anyone :3 hopefully in three days I'll be fully recovered :D

Today this chapter goes to StereoHeart1. Thanks for reading and for your support :D appreciate that a lot! <3

Thanks for reading guys!



Chapter Twenty-Eight

-Train's P.O.V-

"Get into the car, we're late!" Sebastian called out from the car porch.

          Alan came rushing out with a giant basket, followed by his heavy bass guitar hanging over one of his shoulder. Mitch and I exchanged glances, curious about the basket.

          "What's that for?" I asked.

          "Lunch." He beamed.

          "What, having a picnic in school?" Mitch snorted.


          "Really?" he frowned. "I was only being sarcastic."

          "The picnic isn't for us, is it?" Sebastian raised a suspicious brow.

          "No, why on earth would I make lunch for you guys, that's so wrong dude." Alan made a face. "It's for Sophia, and Sophie, well, either one will do since they're both identically cute."

          "Oh my gosh, Alan's in love." Mitch groaned.

          "Right..." Sebastian looked speechless. "Okay, get into the car."

          Both Alan and I cramped into the backseat. Why are we cramping? Well, let's just say the basket isn't any ordinary sized basket.

          "Why do I always get the backseat?" I sighed as Alan slammed the door shut.

          "Because you're small." Sebastian answered simply before steering the car away. There was a moment of silence before Sebastian decided to speak again. "Dude, what do you have in that basket? Smells like mac and cheese."

          "Ham sandwich." Mitch said excitedly.

          "Rice." I blurted half-heartedly as I received a few odd looks.

          "Bro, I don't think you can smell rice." Sebastian said dismissively.

          "Well you're all wrong." Alan said, beginning to drone again. "It's pasta."

          "You made pasta for the girls, and never made any for us?" Mitch gaped. "I feel so betrayed."

          "You're not hoping to get lucky right?" I smiled wryly.

          "Alan watches too much Lady and The Tramp." Sebastian mumbled.

          The car pulled over into one of the parking stops and we hopped off the vehicle, leaving Alan behind to carry all that stuff that he brought. It's not like we don't want to help, but I guess we're all jealous of the food that he brought for the girls.

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