chapter seven | way down andrew goes

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"Despite the fact that Slughorn is teaching Potions, I still hate that class with a passion," Andrew said, walking beside Eliza to their next class.

Eliza laughed at this. "Well, we need it if we want to get the job we want once we're out of this school."

Andrew sighed in disappointment. "Yeah, I know."

As the two continued walking, Eliza thought about the girl who confronted her and Andrew. Both of them were sort of surprised that she even said anything to them. Eliza sort of felt bad about even saying anything at all. She wanted to go apologize to the American, but how could she do that with all of her new Slytherin friends around?

"You know, I think we should--"

"Don't even say it, Liza."

"But it's the right thing to do. I mean, we probably shouldn't have said those things about her."

"Did you hear how she barked at us? She doesn't deserve an apology."

"Why? Because she's in Slytherin and she's friends with Malfoy and the rest of his minions?"

Andrew shot Eliza a serious look."Yes. Slytherins are bad people and they don't care whether or not you apologize to them. Either way, you'll only make things worse."

"Well, maybe she's not like most Slytherins," Eliza retorted.

Andrew rolled his eyes. "Fine, go ahead and apologize to her. But don't say I didn't warn you."

"Whatever, Andy." With that, Eliza stormed off ahead of Andrew and continued her walk to her next class alone. She knew that Andrew was never going to agree with her. But she was not going to argue with him about it. After all, deep down, she knew that she was planning to do the right thing. Well, she hoped that she was planning to do the right thing.

Eliza didn't even sit next to Andrew in her next class. Instead, she sat next to Hermione, who was getting her books out of her bag. It was only their second class of the day and Hermione already looked exhausted. She looked over and gasped a little when she saw Eliza sitting next to her. "You scared me, Eliza."

"Sorry," she replied. "Are you okay?"

Hermione huffed a sigh. "I'm fine. It's the first day. The first day is always rough for everyone."

"Even for you?" Eliza asked, raising her eyebrows. "I never saw you as the type to be so stressed out on the first day of classes."

"Well, it seems like I'm always stressed out," she responded. "But I think I'm pretty good at hiding it."

"Yes, you are." Eliza began to get her books out, placing them on her side of the desk.

Hermione didn't say anything for a moment. Then, she blurted out, "Does Oliver fancy me or something?"

She froze. "What?"

"I know you're really good friends with him and I'm just wondering if you know whether or not know, has feelings for me."

Eliza was not sure what to say to this. "Oh. Um...well, he doesn't really talk about his love life to any of us. He's sort of private when it comes to that," she lied. "Why?"

Hermione shrugged her shoulders. "I was just curious. I mean, he's kind of cute." Hermione let out a small grin as she began to blush a little. "He's very nice as well."

Staring at Hermione, she nodded her head in agreement. "Yeah, he is, and he's also a great friend."

"You think he's cute or nice?"

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