Daddy's Girl

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Callie's POV

" It's your turn." I say as I roll over in bed as the back of my hand softly hits Brandon in the face. Brandon opens his eyes groggily as he says, " I went last time." He snuggles closer to me as he wraps his arm around my waist, " Didn't the doctor say it was okay to let her cry?" Brandon asks as I intertwine our fingers, not wanting to get up. When I don't respond Brandon continues," It builds independence." 

" Brandon, she's three months old." I say softly laughing as Brandon lets go of my hand and rolls over. He sits up on the bed as he pulls a white t-shirt over his bare chest and pulls on shoes. I sit up as I grab tug at his hand. " Babe, where are you going?" 

" I'm going to drive around with Bails. The doctor says that helps the colic disease." Brandon says as he adds, " I'll stop at Starbucks, do you want a coffee?" 

I smile as I say, " Why are you so perfect?"

Brandon laughs as he says, " Because I have the best wife and daughter." Everything Brandon says sends chills down my spine. " I love you." He whispers as he lets go of my hand and walks out the door.

Soon, I fall into a deep sleep as Brandon wakes me up, by brushing his lips to mine. He places my coffee on the nightstand as I sit up in bed. He has Bailey in his arms as he softly rocks her and sings to her. 

"Isn't she lovely

Isn't she wonderful

Isn't she precious

Less than three months old

I never thought through love we'd be

Making one as lovely as she

But isn't she lovely made from love

Bails aren't you lovely?" Brandon sings as he kisses her forehead.

I get up as Brandon hands Bailey over to me. She is beautiful- having a combination of my brown, curly hair and Brandon's beauituful green eyes. Brandon stands behind me as he wraps his arms around my waist as we rock Bailey to sleep. Brandon kisses my cheek as he says, " Bailey's lucky to have a mom like you." I smile as I say, " But, she's luckier to have a dad like you." Brandon smirks as he says, " I feel like I can't just put her back in her crib- we just had a daddy- daughter morning and I feel like she probably wants to sleep in our bed." 

I nod agreeing for the first time. Mariana had prepped me with articles of how babies should get accustomed to sleeping in their own beds, but I couldn't bare the thought of putting her back in her crib. We place Callie in the middle of us, as we both face her. We both put our arms around Bails as we hold hands. 

" Night, love." Brandon says as I laugh mockingly, " Goodnight, Stef."

" Goodnight, Bails." Brandon says as he kisses Baileys forehead. 

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