Chapter Thirty-Four

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                                                                      Chapter Thirty-Four

                                  "You want to hear about the deal that I'm making?" -Placebo

They had been driving for hours. Tristan had been going way over the speed limit and Sienna was surprised they hadn't been stopped by the police yet. Ana had turned on the car radio but it wasn't enough to drown out the overwhelming concern and worry they were all feeling. They had thought they had an ally in this twisted situation but now it turned out they were alone again. Three lost teens trying to do the right thing.

Tristan was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. He was tired of driving and he was tired of feeling like he couldn't trust anyone. People were so selfish. Everyone acted in favor of themselves, willing to do whatever to get ahead.

A gentle hand placed on his shoulder snapped him out of his sorrowful thoughts. It was Sienna. She was looking at him like she wanted to take away his pain but she was in the same state. Could two broken souls heal one another?

They didn't have a plan. They would simply arrive at the school and offer the medication in return for the safety of the students. Their only hope was that Mrs. Hale held up her end of the bargain. She had no reason to hurt the others if she had what she wanted. At least that's what they thought. Tristan hoped those guards weren't there when they arrived. The less threats they had to deal with, the better.

Two hours later Tristan stopped for gas on the side of the road. Sienna and Ana used the chance to stretch out their numb limbs. Ana went to buy some snacks while Sienna used the small restroom in the shop. The confinement of the stall reminded her of the one she'd had in her room back at the school. They'd escaped simply to return back willingly. Things certainly hadn't turned out as expected but they rarely did in Sienna's world. She thought she would stay at her old mental hospital forever and then her mother had broken the news to her about being transferred to the 'special school'. She had thought O.W was a normal school but it had turned out to be the experimenting ground of a research facility.

She'd figured everyone else was normal when in reality the students were just as crazy as her. She had trusted Tristan when he'd asked her to escape with him and now they were going back. She'd also thought his father was on their side when in fact he had practically used them to get what he wanted.

Nothing ever turned out like she expected. It wasn't all bad though. She hadn't planned on falling in love when she enrolled at the school. She certainly hadn't expected Tristan to come and sweep her off her feet. She never thought anyone could love a crazy person. That had been a big surprise.

She also never thought the voices in her head would ever disappear. Had that been product of the medication they'd secretly given her at the school? But no. It couldn't be. She had stopped eating the meat at the cafeteria, which was the product that contained the injected medication, a while ago. Tristan had warned her. She wondered if Tristan felt any different. Had he changed since being at the school? Had his mental illness improved?

She knew for a fact that Ana's condition hadn't improved whatsoever and from the outcome of things, Parry wasn't any different and he had been at the school longer than Sienna had. There had to be another explanation. Maybe that shrink at the hospital had been right. Had she healed herself? Was that even possible?

They got back on the open road and continued the long drive. Ana had decided to take a nap and was currently asleep in the back seat. It was almost as if Tristan and Sienna were alone in the car. They had both been very quiet for most of the ride. They were lost in their own thoughts. Sienna wanted to ask questions but she knew Tristan didn't have answers. He also didn't seem like he was in the mood for an interrogation. He was stressed about the situation. She wished she could say something to relax him a bit or at least distract him until they arrived to the school. There was no sense in worrying about the future.

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