Chapter Thirty-Three

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Chapter Thirty-Three

"Don't fight for the wrong side," -Coldplay

Sunlight streamed through the open curtains causing Sienna to open her eyes. She woke up to the humming of the air conditioning and an empty bed. Where was Ana? She looked around the room and noticed things were missing and some were different. It was then she realized she wasn't in her room. Tristan! This was his room. She must have fallen asleep here last night. But then, where was he?

She got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom. She splashed some water on her face and glanced at herself in the mirror. She looked well rested despite everything. These beds were certainly much more comfortable than the ones at the school. She brushed her teeth with the complimentary toothpaste and brush from the motel and ran a hand through her hair.

The sound of the door opening alerted her.

"Good morning sleeping beauty," Tristan joked as he came into the room. He shut the door with his foot since his hands were full. He had some take out boxes and a bag in his hands.

"Where were you?" she asked.

"I was out getting breakfast. Where's my tip?" he asked as he set the stuff on the desk. Sienna went over to him and gave him a sweet peck on the lips. "I should get you breakfast more often," he said surprised. He handed her a vegetarian breakfast burrito, a banana and a shake and they sat on the bed to eat.

"You should've woken me up last night. Ana is probably wondering where I am," she said between bites.

"Don't worry I saw her this morning. Besides, it's not every day I get the opportunity to have you sleep next to me. I wasn't going to pass up that chance," he teased. She blushed and finished her food.

"What time is it?" she asked him wondering how long she'd slept.

"Almost ten."

"Oh gosh," she'd slept over ten hours!

"We're leaving in half an hour," he informed her. She thanked him for the food and headed to her room, where Ana was coming out of the shower. She had a towel wrapped around herself and her short hair was dripping wet.

"Oh hey, nice to see you. How was your night?" she said wiggling her eyebrows and winking at Sienna.

"Nothing happened! I just fell asleep there," she told her with an eye roll.

"Whatever you say," she said as she grabbed a shirt Sienna had lent her and threw on her pants from yesterday. Since she hadn't known about the escape plan she hadn't had a chance to pack any of her belongings. Everything had happened so suddenly.

"We're leaving in thirty minutes," Sienna told Ana. She nodded and Sienna headed for the shower.

Tristan wanted to speak to his father before they hit the road once again. He wanted to make sure he knew what the plan was and what Lucian's expectations were regarding the outcome of everything. He went to the room where his dad and Paul were staying and knocked on the door. He heard shuffling feet on the other side, a pause and then the door swung open. Paul greeted him.

"I'm glad you're here. I have to go run a quick errand for your father but I didn't want to leave him alone," Paul said as he grabbed the car keys off the night table.

"Where is he anyway?" Tristan inquired glancing around the room. He was nowhere in sight.

"He's outside taking a call. He should be back in a few minutes." With that he was gone and Tristan remained alone in the suite.

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