Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five

"I'm just a product of the system, a catastrophe

And yet a masterpiece, and yet I'm half-diseased" –Imagine Dragons

Three students had disappeared from the school in the last few days. The vaccination event had been a disaster. The following day classes continued normally but teachers were distraught. Students were confused and everyone seemed to be in a very irritable mood lately. It was as if people were ticking bombs waiting to explode on anyone. Not everyone had noticed the disappearance of the three students. After all, it was hard to notice something like that in the middle of all the chaos. There were so many students at O.W that it was difficult to know everyone at the school. The only people who would really notice them missing were the ones who had been close to them. That was why Parry, Scar, Enrique, Nathan, Mimi and Jessica had been wondering where Tristan, Ana and Sienna had gone.

They had commented amongst themselves, they'd asked around and Enrique had even paid Ana's dorm a visit only to find it empty. Something was up.

When any of them had asked the teachers about the three students, they had claimed not to know anything. It was very strange. Enrique had even gone to the office to ask the secretary and she had said something stupid about how maybe they had caught the flu that was going around.

Parry hadn't told anyone about the incident he'd had with Tristan at the control room the day of the vaccination. He knew it could be a clue that might help them uncover the mystery that was their disappearance but he couldn't risk all the questions he'd have to answer after revealing what had happened.

In a weird way, Parry had accomplished what he'd desired. He'd gotten rid of Tristan. The only problem was that Sienna was gone too. How Ana had gotten tangled into all of this was a true mystery.

Jessica was happy about things going back to the way they had been before the new kids had showed up. Now she had Parry all to herself without having to worry about competition. Mimi couldn't have cared less about the issue and Nathan was too focused on himself as always. Scar knew something was wrong but she was afraid to pry since she had a feeling Parry had something to do with the situation. Enrique was the only one who was doing some serious investigating. He missed Ana. He hadn't spoken to or seen her in days. She'd missed all her classes, she was absent during every meal and she was never at her dorm.

It was as if Ana had disappeared from the school. How could one go missing in a boarding school? It wasn't like anyone could leave. He'd considered the possibility that maybe she was avoiding him but then again she couldn't just miss all her classes for that reason. Was she okay?

On top of that, he couldn't ask Sienna about it because she was gone too! Apart from him, he knew Ana had been very close to her. If anyone would know, it'd be her. Tristan had gone M.I.A as well and he had a feeling it was all tied together. It couldn't be a coincidence that they'd all gone missing on the same day. He doubted it. He'd also considered the possibility of her going to visit her parents. But if that was the case then why hadn't she waited for the holidays? Or why hadn't she told him? If only he could find a way to contact her and know she was fine, things would be better.

He cared about her a lot. The most frustrating thing was that he seemed to be the only one concerned with the missing students. No one else seemed to notice or care much.

"What do you think they're going to do with us?" Ana asked for the hundredth time. Her head was leaned against the gray wall in a dejected manner. She picked absently mindedly at the lose string from the hole in her ripped jeans.

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