Chapter 25

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Madalyn's POV

My eyes grew wide when I saw him. I froze and I felt like the world shrunk in on me. Trevor squeezed my hand, and I blinked at him.

"This is Madalyn. Madalyn, meet Christian," he smiled back and forth between us. I awkwardly shoved my hand out in front of him.

"Um.. I'm Maddy..nice to meet you...Christian," I looked at the ground. He shook my hand and looked at me with a face I knew so well. My best friend. My old love. His voice gave my shivers.

"Hi Maddy. I'm Christian." 

We were just standing there with our hands linked. Trevor coughed. 

"Why am I getting such awkward vibes?" 

I decided to tell him.

"I  uh. I know Christian. Pretty well. We've known each other since we were in kindergarten.." I trailed off.

He gasped and then brought us in for a group hug. 

"I had no idea that you two knew each other! Christian and I have been best friends since sixth grade! This is awesome!" 

If only you knew what was really happening Trevor. Only if you knew. I shook my head slowly. 

This was not going to be good, because I still had leftover feelings for Christian. I always did just in case he came back. But I knew he didn't like me like that. He never could. 

We were walking to lunch together. Now that I thought about it, I hadn't spoken to Kyle in a long time. I haven't seem him around school either. It's okay though because I knew I hadn't liked him in that way.  Avery and I still talked but not as much during school. As the year went on our classes were at different times but we still talked all the time after school. 

Trevor was standing in between Christian and I. Memories and flashbacks suddenly flowed through my head and I stopped in my tracks. They didn't notice so I slipped into the bathroom and locked the door. I slumped down and sat there. He was really the boy I'd had a crush on since 2nd grade. His mother and my mother would talk all the time. We lived close to each other and always hung out. Now it seemed strange. It seemed as if I was staring at a ghost of him. We sat down with Trevor between us. I hurried and shoveled my food down. 

"Are you hungry Madalyn?" Trevor stared wide-eyed at me.

"Something like that," I mumbled and finished up. I went to dump my tray and started walking back. They were at the table talking and smiling and laughing. I smiled at them. They reminded me of two young boys. That's when I headed over to Avery and sat down next to her for the remainder of lunch. It was just too much at the moment. Everything flashed through my head again. I took a deep breath and went off to the rest of my classes until the end of the day. As soon as the last bell rang, I swear I never ran so fast in my life. 

Christian's POV

I hadn't seen her since lunch and it was making me worry. Did I do something wrong? Ugh, what was I going to do? I wanted to tell Maddy how I really felt, but seeing how Trevor looked at her...I couldn't bring myself to break that. When I got home I went up to my room and sat by my window. Then I threw my backpack and yelled out the window. This was bull crap. How was this ever going to work!? I couldn'y just move on that easily. This was Maddy we were talking about and Trevor is my best friend. I thought about it for a while and narrowed down my options.

A) Move on

B) Befriend Trevor and win Maddy over 


None of the options seemed right. Leaving Trevor would kill me, and Maddy would basically throw me off a bridge for doing something so cruel. And moving on hadn't worked. I tried to when I moved. Not the best idea. So I met one girl I thought I liked and then we tried to go on a first date at the movies and then I was crying. I guess something reminded me of Maddy and it got that bad. It was awkward for the rest of the movie. Her arm was around me and she was rocking me back and forth. It gets worse too. When it ended, she said I was weird and left and never called back. That's what I get for trying I guess. I picked up my phone and scrolled down to her contact. Her number was still the same. I texted her.

Hi Maddy it's me..Christian. :)

I hit send.

Trevor's POV

There was something weird going on with Christian. When he saw Maddy, he went pale. I hope he was okay. I texted him

Is everything alright?

-Yeah, just tired I think from the plane ride last night.

I threw my phone on the bed and laid down. My mind was racing. Why did Maddy look at Christian so weirdly? He's not exactly ugly, but he's not as handsome as me either, but I mean he's decent. They looked as if they were allergic to each other. No because then they shook hands for a long time. Was he....raping her....with his eyes? I mean she is pretty beautiful but that's sort of perverted Christian. Christian isn't a pervert either so that didn't make sense. I texted Madalyn.

Is everything okay? :)

-Yeah. Just stressed day. Thanks :)

Something definitely was going on. I got on my laptop and scrolled through tumblr for a while until my phone buzzed.

-I like Maddy.

I froze. Three words. He texted me three words and I wanted to hide in a corner. I needed to man up and face this. But, my best friend. Christian. Likes my girlfriend. 

For how long?

-Since kindergarten.

Then I lost it. I threw my phone and started fuming. What the hell Christian!? You never told me. I stomped out the house and took the shortcut to his house and chucked a rock at his window.

"What the heck dude what are you doing here?" he looked around.

"Come down here." 

A few minutes later, he appeared.

"What's up?"

"What's up? What's up? Why don't you tell me what's up Christian. You've liked Maddy this whole time and you didn't tell me!? That's what's up!"

His face contorted and he looked at me angrily. 

"You think I wasn't!? I wanted to bro. Then I left. I tried to move on. I came back and then I saw her again and I was like 'Oh shit Trevor is going to kill me'. I didn't tell you because I knew you'd get mad and things between us would get messed up. That was the last thing I wanted..." he took a deep breath and his face relaxed.

"I didn't tell you because I saw the way you looked at her today."

And then I punched him square in the jaw without a second thought.

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