Chapter 12

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The rest of the summer went by really fast, we were with the guys a lot and we went to the movies and hung out, and even took a road trip down to California and stayed there for August. The whole month. Andrea stayed with Kian, he went back with her to California, they're so cute and she's so nice. School had started, ew, and we were on winter break finally. Michelle and Sam were on a double date with Christena and Jc, the guys took them to see Paranormal Activity, cheese tards. I was with Trevor bundled up in a sweater, leggings, socks over my leggings, uggs, a jacket over, a scarf, and a beanie. We we're building a snowman, and failing. 

"Is this the body?" I asked.

"No, that's the head." Trevor said. Since DigiTour, him and I got really close, I learned that he hadn't had his first kiss. He said he was waiting for the right time. We're not dating either guys. Slow down.

"It's too fat to be a head."

"Then it can be the middle."

"You make the head."

He shuffled over and stacked the head on. 

"I already did." He smirked. That smirk will be the death of my eggs. Six months with him and I'm still not used to it.

"Can we take a break, I'm tired from bending over and walking around."

"Yeah, be right back." He went inside the house and came back with two hot chocolates, he shaped the whip cream in mine into a heart. We started walking down the street. It was silent, but it wasn't awkward silence, it was comfortable and felt okay.

"How's the hot chocolate? I made the cocoa yesterday." 

"It's delicious, thanks." It really was delicious, and it felt good running down my throat in the cold.

We started to walk slower and enjoy the hot chocolate more. 

"Tell me something, Madalyn." 

"Like what?"

"Anything." His voice was barely audible and he was looking down at the ground.

I knew exactly what to say.

"I haven't had my first kiss."

"You're kidding, you're beautiful though."

I built up the courage. I stopped in my tracks.

"I was going to ask you at DigiTour if you could be my first kiss. It sounded ridiculous to other people but I didn't care. Then things took an unexpected turn but I'm fine with it because it's brought me to this point in time. I wouldn't be where I am right now if none of the stuff at DigiTour had happened." I was starting to tear up with embarrassment. He hadn't said anything either, he was facing me, two feet away keeping a safe distance.

"Madalyn," he said after a few moments. I looked up at him not breaking eye contact.

"You're beautiful, and the day I saw you in the hall at DigiTour, I felt something, a vibe. I don't believe in love in first sight because there's more to a person than how they look. You had this presence that seemed like you were just so happy, and I wanted to get to know you, and now I do. Madalyn, you are smart, funny, fashionable, creative, and you're mysterious. I like that about you."

And with that he stepped towards me, dropping his empty cup and cupped my face in his hands, closing the space between us. He stared into my eyes and I still couldn't respond in any way, the cup of hot chocolate slipped out of my hand and dropped into the snow. It was snowing now and getting colder.

"Perfect." He whispered.

And before I could respond, he closed the gap completely and merged his soft lips into mine. Fireworks went off in my head and my eyelids felt heavy, closing lightly. I was having my first kiss, with my crush, Trevor Moran. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. It felt like eternity before we both pulled away, breathing heavy. 

"I love you Madalyn."

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