Chapter 23

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Bucket list with Trevor

1)[x] Get to know each other. (Past, scary, experiences, best experiences, future plans, etc.) 

2)[] Have a movie night.

3)[x] Listen to music together

4)[] Send each other ugly selfies

5)[x] Meet each other's families.

6)[] Do something crazy together

7)[] Photo booth pictures

8)[] Get kicked out of the movies

9)[x] Go go-carting

10)[x] Laser tag with a bunch of people

11)[x] Dance in Apple with him 

I checked off the ones we had done together already. That left us with 5 things left. He glanced over my shoulder. 

"Maybe we should start with the movies, then the photo booth, and do something crazy in which we get kicked out in the process," he mumbled. He was so close to me, the heat radiated off of his body and his breath tickled me. It made the hair on my neck stand up. His mother came in before we told her we were leaving to go to the movies. 

"Stay safe Trevy, take care of her, and make sure you pay for her!" she called as we walked down the driveway to the car. We got in and drove to the nearest theatre. The movie didn't matter and we ended up seeing the next one playing, which was a movie about some acapella groups singing in  a competition, and one of the leaders threw up at the beginning. It was pretty funny. 

There was a photo booth outside of the movie theatre by the arcade so we slid in. The camera counted down and I didn't know what pose to do. Then me and Trevor did a little James Bond pose with our backs to each others, making guns that we were blowing on. We smiled, and made a funny face, straight up ugly quadruple chinned faces, and then at the last second for our last one which was supposed to be surprised, he sneaked a kiss onto my cheek when the camera flashed. The pictures came out nice and we each took a copy.

"I like the last one."

I blushed like a comedian getting pelted with tomatoes when they told a bad joke. Still only about 6 o'clock. 

"Okay, next, do something crazy, let's go to that mall in Auburn that really far, because we're never going to be able to go back anytime soon after this," he said as we were in the car.

Trevor's POV

We pulled up into the parking lot, and it was packed which was perfect. I had my vlogging camera on me which made me come up with an idea. Maddy was fidgeting in her seat, and I reached over to put my hand over hers. She stopped almost immediately and froze for a second before relaxing and leaning her head on my shoulder.

"So, what's the plan Captain?" she looked up at me. 

I wanted to kiss her but I resisted the urge to and coughed to clear my throat. 

"I have my vlogging camera with me and I was thinking that maybe we should do something that involves the whole mall. Why not run through the whole mall screaming and what not. Maybe sing a duet really loud, fall in the stores, hide in the clothes racks and play hide-n-seek."

"Sounds like a plan, except."

"Except what?"

"I don't all." 

Kiss Me Like You Want To Be Loved (Trevor Moran)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα