Chapter 20

911 19 26

Why are boys so difficult and confusing? 

Why are you playing with my emotions Kyle? Tell me why!

I was speechless looking into his eyes as he spoke those 3 words I had been anxious to hear in 7th grade. I like you. He was making me frustrated playing with me like this. He had done stuff like this during middle school. Acting like he liked me, then crush me. I tensed up thinking about it.

"No you don't," I mumbled, breaking eye contact and looking elsewhere. I pulled away a tad so his hands were no longer embracing the sides of my face. His hands balled up into fists at his sides.

"Yes I do Maddy," he said to gritted teeth.

"Sure you do. You think you do but you're just going to break my heart like you did all the time in middle school!" I yelled. We had to be back at school in 30 minutes and we were still in the parking lot arguing. I slid into the car and slammed the door shut before letting him say anything else. He got in and started the car. The drive back was quiet, the radio turned off and just the gloomy weather accompanied us besides each other. When we got to school I mumbled a quick thank you before slamming the door shut and hurrying inside. 

"Maddy! There you are! Where were you?!" Avery had run up to be and hooked my arm with hers.

"I had a headache so I went home really quick and got some medicine," I easily lied. 

"Oh, are you okay?

"Just peachy. Guys are turds." I mumbled.

"I know Maddy. I know."


I trudged up to my room and settled into bed. It was only 2:45 but I was exhausted. I started to replay what happened at Taco Bell until my phone beeped. 

New Voice Mail

I tapped the number and listened to the voice.

Hey Maddy, I know you're upset about.. what happened. I just wanna say I'm sorry that I did all those things to you in middle school. I really am. And that I hope you can forgive me and move on from the past. I would love to take you out sometime too. Oh by the way this is Kyle. Bye Maddy.

The line went dead. 

I turned my phone off and went to sleep.


 A pair of hands were resting on my shoulders and shaking me slightly. 

"Maddy, wake up." The soft voice spoke.

I blinked my eyes groggily to wake up a bit. I rubbed my eyes to clearly see who was shaking my delicate shoulder bones. Trevor. 

How did he get in my house...?

Creepy stalker. But he's a cute creepy stalker.

"Oh good, you're up." 

"What time is it?" 

"It's 5 pm. Today's Wednesday..."

My eyes grew wide. Wednesday?! I was asleep for almost two days!?

"I was asleep for almost two days?!"

"Yeah. You're mom let me in and said I could come wake you up."

I rolled over and buried my face into the pillows and groaned. Ugh.


"Madalyn, are you okay?" He looked down at my awkwardly positioned body that had tumbled onto the floor. 

"Yep," I mumbled into a mouthful of blankets. His arms wrapped around me and hauled me up onto my feet. Oh thank the lord he could lift me, I swear I'm like 10328473 lbs to some people. So rude to me. I rubbed my eyes and stretched, making this weird noise that sounded like the mix of a cat dying and a whale giving birth. Trevor was awkwardly just standing there. 

Poor guy has to hear my exotic mating call.

I'm calling you Trevor.

Let's mate ;)

"Uh, I wanted to take you out for breakfast to the Waffle House so get ready and meet me downstairs," He smiled at me before quickly pecking me on the cheek and heading out, closing the door behind him.

I spun around and headed over to the closet, picked out a tank top and cardigan, leggings, and some Uggs. Going into the bathroom, I got ready, and tied my hair up into a bun. I checked myself one last time in the mirror before closing the door and heading downstairs. 

"Ready to go?" I jumped at his voice that popped up behind me.

"Geez, you scared me Trevor, don't do that!" I clutched my hand to my heart. 

"Sorry," he smirked down at me. I felt heat rush up to my face. I couldn't help it, stupid boy made my feelings go all psycho like they're high off of Trevor drugs.

"Whatever, let's go. Bye mom!" I called to her.

"Bye sweetie, don't come home pregnant okay? Use protection!"


"I'm kidding honey, have a good time. Make sure you keep a distance of 2 feet between each other." She peeked her head around the corner and blew a kiss to me.

We walked out the door and stepped out into the cold air that stung my face for a few seconds before adjusting. Trevor slung his arm over my shoulder.

"You rebel. My mom said 2 feet!" I gasped with sarcasm.

"My heart has a mind of it's own. And right now, it wants Madalyn," He pulled me closer to him and we descended the driveway to his car. I climbed in and he climbed in and we went on our merrily way to the Waffle House.


I moaned at the first bite of waffle I shoved into my mouth. 

"Like your food aye Madalyn?" He chuckled at me.

"Mhm, yes I do," I mumbled with food in my mouth. Such a lady I am. I'm not the only one who does that right?

We continued eating in silence. I finished before him because I was starving and practically tried to eat it in 2 bites. He paid for the bill and we got back into the car. I slouched back into it and held my stomach. 

"Ugh, that was so good. I feel like a balloon that's about to pop though," I groaned.

"It was pretty good. What do you wanna do today? I missed you," He said as he put the key into the ignition and started the car.

I didn't think we were going to do anything today. I just wanted to go back home and curl up in my room. But I missed him too. Then an idea struck me.

"Let's try to get those things on that bucket list done," I smirked.

Bucket list with Trevor

1)[X] Get to know each other. (Past, scary, experiences, best experiences, future plans, etc.) 

2)[] Have a movie night.

3)[] Listen to music together

4)[] Send each other ugly selfies

5)[] Meet each other's families.

6)[] Do something crazy together

7)[] Photo booth pictures

8)[] Get kicked out of the movies

9)[] Go go-carting

10)[] Laser tag with a bunch of people

11)[] Dance in Apple with him 

 He smiled with a gleam in his eye of mischief.

All hell was about to break loose and we're gonna enjoy it.

"Let's start with 11." I said with an evil smile.

Let the fun begin.

Kiss Me Like You Want To Be Loved (Trevor Moran)Where stories live. Discover now