Chapter 18

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The rest of the school day was a living horror movie. Kyle ended up being in all of my other periods except history, thank God. At lunch, I was sitting with Christena and my other friend Avery when he popped up beside me. 

"Hey Maddy, it's okay if I sit here right?" He made a puppy-dog face at me. I thought for a second before slowly nodding. Why did I say yes!? I was supposed to shake my head not nod! Gah! Idiot! I face-palmed and groaned into my hands. His hand found its way onto my back and was rubbing small circles. I pushed his hand away and scooted over, creating a distance between him and I. Slowly, turning around, I saw the whole high school classe's eyes on me and him. Even Christena and Avery were staring at the handsome guy and I. Some were shooting daggers, while others were just in awe. Kyle noticed and put his arm around me before standing up, bringing me up with him, crushing me into his chest then announcing the words I never wanted to hear.

"Yes guys, Maddy here is my girlfriend. So don't any of you touch her got that?" He grinned at me, while I was burning holes through his stupid, pretty head. I was not going to let this go on. With force, I pulled away from him and stood at a distance, and everyone was still staring. Anger boiled up again, but this time felt like it reached the max. 

"You, you fucking asshole. How could you ever say that I'm your girlfriend?! Never in a million years would I ever. I hate you with a passion now. You made my life miserable and now you waltz right in and try to be my prince charming and sweep me off my feet. No. I told you to leave me the hell alone in class, I don't want anything to do with you anymore. If you're not gonna leave me alone first, then I sure will as heck avoid you." Angry tears were streaming down my cheeks.

He narrowed his eyes and slumped down into his seat before looking up at me. "Maddy, I'm-"

Before he could finish, I took my tray and dumped my food on his head. Dropping the tray down, making a clanging noise that rung through the silent cafeteria. I was shaking and needed to get out of there. Grabbing my bag, I ran out of there and to the car, slid into the driver's seat and cried to myself. I missed the rest of my classes after lunch.


Trevor's POV

Oh how I miss her so much. I groaned as I looked out the window on the bus. The windows were fogged so I drew a heart with Maddy+Trevor and stared at it until it disappeared.

"Trevor cheer up man. Just 3 more cities then we'll be back in Seattle." JC came over and sat across from me.

I looked at him and smiled. "Thanks, I just miss her that's all." 

"We all do." 

"I've never been this crazy about a girl JC."

"Treat her right then man. They only come around once." 

"I will. I wanted to ask her out when I took her on the date, but she wants to get to know each other first." I smiled at the thought of her and I being official.

"That's good. Cherish every moment." He stood up and pat my back before disappearing into the other room. 

I sighed and took out my phone. Opening my contacts, I texted her.

Hey. :)

Her reply came instantly.

Hi Trevor! I miss you! :(

I chuckled.

I miss you too. So when we gonna start this getting to know each other business?

Hmm..let me check, just a minute. 

I waited a few minutes until she texted again.

Well I actually have like a little bucketlist. Only 2 can be done over the phone. Get to know each other, like background wise and life wise, and send ugly selfies like this one.

I received the picture and burst out laughing at her expression. Her eyes were crossed and she was making a double-chin with her hair going different directions. I smiled before sending a long text in reply.

Okay, first, I was born in Poway, CA. My birthday is on September 30th. I made a YouTube when I was 7 called KaptainKoolKid, ugh so embarrassing though haha. Well actually what do you already know about me since you know..

Instant reply.

Well I know you do Apple Store Dances, you started YouTube when you were 11, went on XFactor, your YouTube background pretty much.

We went on talking about our lives, sad stories, hapyp stories, best moments, worst moments. I was about ready to make the bus driver turn around and head back to Seattle at the moment. It was 2 am, and only 11 in Seattle. I felt wide awake but I knew I needed to sleep for the show. Picking up my phone, I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up.

"Well, hello there Trevor, nice of you to call me at 11 pm on a school night." Sarcasm in her voice. My stomach filled with butterflies at the sound of her voice. I smiled to myself.

"Hey, I just wanted to say goodnight because it's like 2 am and I need to sleep for the show later."

"Okay, have fun. I miss you." I could feel her smile as she said that.

"I l-" I stopped myself. Not yet Trevor, not yet.

"Goodnight Madalyn."

"Goodnight Trevor."

The line went dead. I stared at the blank screen for a while before getting up and going over to my bed, sliding in, and going to sleep thinking about her.


Kyle's POV

"Come on Maddy, answer the phone." I mumbled to myself in frustration. She really hates me, I could see it in her eyes when she looked at me during lunch. I didn't think I had really destroyed her during middle school. Thought I was just having some fun without thinking about her feelings. Oops. I've been trying to text and call her but she won't answer! I moved back to Seattle because I wanted to graduate from where I grew up. I'm going to be honest, Maddy does look a lot prettier than I remember. 

Why was I such a douche when she said she liked me? I was in thought for a while before snapping to reality when my phone beeped.

What do you want you're blowing up my phone. 

I sighed in relief that she answered, and replied.

I just want to talk, and I know you hate me but hear me out please. I just want to talk to you.

I hit send and I swear my heart stopped.

Why? So that we can talk about another rumor you wanna spread around to the whole school. Go ahead, make my life miserable again. 

My heart shattered. I really did make it that bad. I did this to her. I'm responsible for this. For her. And I was going to fix this.

Don't worry Maddy. I won't do that. I know I hurt you in middle school, but I was an idiot, and I was stupid for bullying someone as pretty as you. I'm sorry, and I want to talk and apologize in person. Because doing it over text doesn't mean as much. I'm sorry. I'll say it a million times. Can you meet me by my locker before lunch tomorrow? You can punch me and beat me up because I deserve it but please just hear me out okay?

I hit send. Now we wait.


1k+ READS! OMG THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! IM SO GRATEFUL AND HAPPY! I think I'm gonna go cry and think of ideas for the upcoming chapters and how I want to end this story. Bye guys <3

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